• Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief

The Camel’s Nose

May 22nd, 2024|

Here we are now, in our Nation, having debate and arguing about individuals illegally in our Republic being able to vote in our elections. it's time to tell our elected officials America is for citizens (born and naturalized), legal immigrants, and tourists.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

Our Islamic Terrorist Supporting President

May 22nd, 2024|

We need to ask a very simple question of Joe Biden. In a world where you just restored an Islamic terrorist sanctuary, Afghanistan, why would you push for a wide open border entry into the United States of America?

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief

No Sera’ Infringido

May 15th, 2024|

With the backing of the UN and the approval of the Biden administration, Mexico has filed a court case that could impose the UN small arms treaty, clearing the way for foreign nations to sue and dictate firearms policy in our Constitutional Republic.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

National Insecurity, Courtesy of Joe Biden

May 15th, 2024|

As for the President of the United States of America, I believe that the most important title and role is that of Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces. The national insecurity insanity of the Biden administration is putting our safety and security at risk, and for what?

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief

It’s Getting Seriously Stupid

May 8th, 2024|

It is getting seriously stupid when we are allowing Islamic terrorist supporters to chant "Death to America," burn our American flag, and deface our Memorials.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

Don’t Obstruct the Leftist Implosion

May 7th, 2024|

The Democrats are in a box; they know it, and the last thing Republicans should do is break out a pencil and create an opening for them to escape. When your enemy, political opposition, has led themselves into a U-shaped ambush, you simply close the door of escape.

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief


May 1st, 2024|

In just 80 years, we have gone from young American men and women who did what was necessary to combat evil to a generation that embraces evil and demands that we tolerate and reward it.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

There Are No Adult Leftists

April 30th, 2024|

Yeah, da ol' Colonel had to bite his lip, but then I realized what the real issue is...there are no adult leftists. Much the same as Peter Pan, they are stuck in a permanent childish, immature, irrational, and imbecile state of mental existence.

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief

The Left’s Protected Classes

April 24th, 2024|

There is something happening in our Constitutional Republic that perhaps some of you notice. Look at what is happening on college and university campuses at this time. How? Why?

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

A Spring Semester Final Exam for Democrats

April 23rd, 2024|

All across these United States of America, college and university students are preparing for Spring semester final exams. Well, maybe not so much on the campus of Columbia University, where they are busy chanting intifada and revolution—serious calls to violence. I want to honor this special time, which is a rite of passage for college students, and still, to this day, a cause of nightmares for me when I have dreams I am still in college and have not studied. I have created a Spring semester final exam for Democrats.

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief

The Leftist Definition of Free Speech and Expression

April 17th, 2024|

It is no longer debatable that the progressive socialist leftists, Marxists, in America no longer believe we have a First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression. I would also add that they are redefining the right to peaceably assemble and petition our government for redress of grievances.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

An Utterly Laughable Hypocrisy

April 16th, 2024|

Joe Biden is the greatest threat to our National Security and representative democracy. He is our biggest measure of authoritarianism. His fecklessness and weakness have brought the world to this point of global chaos and calamity. Anyone believing otherwise is in denial of facts and is aiding and abetting the assault on the foundations of our Republic.

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief

The First Unalienable Right — Life

April 10th, 2024|

Let's all lift this Nation up in prayer that it will produce leaders who do not operate in the realm of fear but stand upon that which is right, moral, and just. No one can convince me that a policy of dismembering babies in the womb is any of those. Our Constitutional Republic will not reach its full potential and strength if we do not embrace our first unalienable right, Life, for the unborn and born.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

What is the Democrat, Progressive Socialist End State for America?

April 9th, 2024|

The choice we have in America is simple: Live Free or live as serfs. Our domestic, national, border, economic, and energy security is all under assault by these deranged maniacal tyrants. Yes, they are my fellow Americans, but I know my Oath... “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”

  • Graphic with photo of LTC Allen West (Ret.) and the words: "Colonel's Constitutional Brief"

Red County Election Integrity

April 3rd, 2024|

If there is one dominant theme I hear in my travels in and around Dallas County, Texas, and indeed across America, it is this. Hey, Colonel, what are we going to do about election integrity? Colonel, how do we keep them, the progressive socialist left, from cheating? The answer is not that hard and is quite achievable.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

The Intellectual Wasteland of Our American College Campuses

April 2nd, 2024|

Why are these young people on these campuses afraid to have open debate? Why do they wish to shut down opposing thoughts, perspectives, and insights? As liberal NY Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, “You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.” Why do they stand up and shout like little temperamental children and then run away before they can be confronted in intellectual joust? Simple, they are not being prepared for intellectual debate because too many of these campuses are wastelands for mindless lemmings.

  • Photo of Allen West with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief" - CCB (web)

The Leftist Deconstruction of our Electoral Process

March 27th, 2024|

These combined unconstitutional actions by leftists are the clear threat to the representative democracy of our Constitutional Republic — unsolicited mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, ballot drop boxes, lack of eligible voter registration review, illegal immigrants voting and being counted in our census, centralized tabulations, and rank choice voting. The ACRU stands firmly against these efforts and asks you to join us in this fight to truly save that which the left is seeking to destroy.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

The Unconstitutional Undermining of our Constitutional Republic

March 26th, 2024|

The leftists in America are more concerned with the politics of gaining power than your Life, Liberty, and Property (Pursuit of Happiness). Your inalienable rights mean nothing to them since they conflict with their quest for power and their ideological agenda. The progressive socialist left is the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic. You are their philosophical and political opposition and a threat to their ends. And for them, the ends justify the means, and they will seek to attain those ends by any means necessary.

  • Graphic with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief and a photo of LTC Allen West (ret.) - CCB square

Leftists Hate our US Constitution

March 21st, 2024|

It is as if we are living in an Orwellian novel. And never forget, it was George Orwell who said, "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." This is where we are in the United States of America.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for FB and IG

Duty, Honor, Country

March 19th, 2024|

If we are to Live Free, well, we must embrace the three words, Duty, Honor, Country. These are the words we still embrace at the American Constitutional Rights Union’s Committee to Support and Defend. Furthermore, we must not allow those who see these words as meaningless to rule and lord over us.