The American Constitutional Rights Union is watching our elected officials to hold them accountable for rights abuses and government overreach. Americans treasure basic natural rights, like the right to attend church, gather publicly or in their own homes, and travel freely within the United States without new government “passports.” In short, Americans have the right to live their lives without government intervention at every step.
Fight Medical Apartheid!
Opposed to Mandatory Vaccination for Religious Reasons?
Are you being forced or pressured to receive a COVID vaccination? Does this go against your religious beliefs or convictions?
It’s up to you to write a very personal exemption request letter explaining exactly how and why COVID-related mandates go against your religious beliefs. Be sure to make sure your letter outlines and explains your personal situation as related to your employers or organization’s policies.
Download this example letter to help get you started. This letter is not a template. It is a tool to help you get started on your own personal message.
Personal medical decisions are your business, not your employer’s. If your employer or school is forcing you or members of your family to get a COVID vaccination against your will, you can fight back.
Whatever your beliefs are regarding COVID vaccines, the decision on whether to receive the vaccination is yours and yours alone. If you are concerned about side effects or adverse reactions, the American Constitutional Rights Union can help you fight back against tyrannical behavior from employers and educational institutions. While drug companies enjoy immunity from legal action related to adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, your employer does not. They may be liable for medical consequences and you can let them know about the potential consequences of intruding into your medical privacy and decision-making process.
Please review these two sample letters for you to discuss with your attorney and customize as your individual situation demands.
ACRU does not make any recommendations for or against any vaccines. We suggest you consult with your doctor to make an informed medical choice. We are proponents of medical choice, privacy, and uncensored information. Our wish for you and all Americans is the right to LIVE FREE.
American Constitutional Rights Union provides optional language for a letter from employee or employee’s attorney to employer regarding COVID vaccine mandates. ACRU does not provide individual legal counsel on this or any matter. It is strongly suggested that you seek the advice of a local attorney before customizing this letter for your own use. Laws, regulations, and government guidance change daily, so this letter may or may not be appropriate at the time you use it. If you choose to use the text of this letter, you take complete responsibility for any ensuing legal challenges.
Is Your Employer or Other Organization Imposing Mandatory COVID Vaccination Against Your Will?
Is your employer pressuring, or even mandating a COVID vaccination against your wishes? You, and only you, should make decisions about your personal healthcare. While pharmaceutical companies have been granted immunity from liability related to side effects or adverse reactions, your employer likely has no such protection and may be legally liable for forcing or coercing you to get vaccinated if you develop side effects. It’s up to you to stand up for your medical rights.
Download this sample letter and discuss with your attorney the best way to address the matter with your employer.
ACRU In Action
Why the Upcoming Deportations Will Increase American Confidence in Elections
For those of us who work in the field of election integrity, it is our primary goal to ensure that Americans can trust their elections. States are responsible for safeguarding the votes of their own citizen residents and promoting trust that the votes are counted as cast.
Constitutional Governance
Now is the best time to restore constitutional governance. One of the reasons why we have an apocalyptic debt crisis in America is a lack of adherence to our Constitution.
The Legacy of Joe Biden…the Fate of the Democrats
Joe Biden departs the Oval Office as an elderly, angry bird. Americans want happy Warriors who will defend our Republic. We don't want zombies, angry birds, or socialists.
Burning Down the House
White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre has stated the final weeks of the Biden administration will be jam-packed. I think we all would prefer that the final weeks of the Biden administration would be jammed with his packing...and focused on his departing.
The Left’s Deranged Definition of Security
The outgoing Biden-Harris leftist administration has had a deranged definition of what security means. And what happened in New Orleans is an indicator of exactly that.
Who’s in Charge? Ain’t You?
The question for us as a nation, going into 2025, is whether or not we will ever again be caught asking who is in charge and looking around mindlessly pondering, “Ain't you?” It is going to truly be a Happy New Year.
Left & Right Unite Against Crisis Tyranny
Sometimes proposed policies are so onerous to the principles of personal liberty, freedom, and privacy that right and left can agree. When liberals and conservatives unite to fight against a common cause, we ought to take note. Author and activist Dr. Naomi Wolf and ACRU President Lori Roman have joined forces to speak out against proposed COVID Passport policies.
Had enough of government intrusion into areas including, but not limited to, religious freedom, freedom to worship, personal medical decisions, private medical information, and other authoritarian activity? Sign the ACRU’s petition taking a stand and making our voices heard in support of liberty, privacy, and freedom from government interference.
Doctors Should Not Threaten the Lives of Children
In 2021, Yulia Hicks – a young girl from Ukraine – was adopted by Lee and Chrissy Hicks. Keenly aware their daughter had a rare kidney condition – Senior Loken Syndrome – which would eventually require a transplant, they opened their hearts and their home to her. Yulia spent almost two years under the daily kidney dialysis care of Duke University Medical Center. But Duke University Medical Center and Dr. Eileen Chambers denied Yulia’s access to a kidney transplant, based solely on her parents’ decision not to give her the COVID vaccine.
The Senate Should Vote To Re-hire Firefighters Terminated Over the COVID Vaccine
ACRU stands with Senator Rand Paul in his support of re-hiring firefighters terminated for not receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. The Senate will soon have an opportunity to consider this amendment and we urge all senators to support this and other Republican amendments.
Final service academy lifts COVID-19 vaccine mandate after congressional, media pressure
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) has rescinded its COVID-19 vaccine mandate after receiving pressure from Congress and the media for not allowing exemptions.
Mom’s Teen Basketball Player Son Had Blood Clots in Brain, Now There’s Another, And She Blames 1 Thing
Mom's Teen Basketball Player Son Had Blood Clots in Brain, Now There's Another, And She Blames 1 Thing
COVID vaccines raise mortality rate by 26%, analyst reveals at Sen. Ron Johnson’s roundtable
Those ‘under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate,’ and individuals who received just one dose of the shots, ‘have an approximately 145% worse mortality rate,' said analyst Josh Stirling. ‘That ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States.’
Renowned Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter Calling to End COVID Vaccine Program Immediately as Cancers and other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing in ‘Boosted’ People
Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practicing in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal to “make valid informed consent for COVID vaccination a priority topic” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.
Brief: Pentagon Vaccine Mandate ‘Illegal,’ Lacks Evidence
In a lawsuit against the Pentagon for its denial of nearly all religious exemptions under its coronavirus vaccine mandate, a new amicus brief accuses the U.S. government of failing to provide updated evidence proving “long-term efficacy.”
Workers’ Compensation: A Pathway to Immediate Relief for COVID Vaccine Injury Victims?
Could employees injured by a COVID-19 vaccine that was mandated by their employer get relief under the U.S. workers’ compensation program?
N.Y. court orders rehiring, back pay for fired unvaccinated workers
The New York Supreme Court says employees who were terminated for failing to get the COVID-19 vaccine should be reinstated and given back pay.
DHS released unvaccinated Afghans while threatening to fire unvaccinated Border Patrol agents
The Biden administration allowed hundreds of Afghans from last year’s airlift to disappear into American communities without getting COVID-19 or other vaccinations, an inspector general has revealed. The information was released as the Biden administration was starting the process to fire government workers who didn’t get the coronavirus shots — including some employees at Homeland Security, the department that allowed the Afghans to go free.