The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is dedicated to defending the constitutional rights of all Americans. ACRU stands against harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies that have taken hold in our nation’s courts, culture, and bureaucracies. We defend and promote free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, and national sovereignty.

Attorney General Edwin Meese

Attorney General Edwin Meese III, ACRU Director

“As Attorney General in the Reagan Administration, I committed myself to conserving and expanding freedom. It was my position that our Constitution, its text, and the original intention behind it, demanded nothing less. To argue otherwise would be to risk, as Abraham Lincoln said, “blowing out the moral lights around us.”

That’s why I’ve, again, taken up my sword in defense of our Constitution and am fighting a very real and present danger to our nation. I serve on the board of an efficient and important organization, the American Constitutional Rights Union. I believe strongly that partnered with ACRU we have a real chance to preserve the freedoms and liberties we hold dear.”

Latest from the ACRU

Burning Down the House

By |January 8th, 2025|

White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre has stated the final weeks of the Biden administration will be jam-packed. I think we all would prefer that the final weeks of the Biden administration would be jammed with his packing...and focused on his departing.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

Who’s in Charge? Ain’t You?

By |January 1st, 2025|

The question for us as a nation, going into 2025, is whether or not we will ever again be caught asking who is in charge and looking around mindlessly pondering, “Ain't you?” It is going to truly be a Happy New Year.

Quote of the Day

Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.

James Madison

ACRU Podcasts

  • With just days left in office, President Joe Biden is making huge decisions that the incoming administration is going to have to deal with. What's going on? It seems like Joe Biden is burning down our American house!

    Watch this video on Rumble

  • This week on the Constitution Show, we tackle the biggest section of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, in simple and easy-to-understand terms. Want to know how the legislative branch is supposed to work? Listen in!

    Watch this video on Rumble


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Live Free Local

Are you frustrated with the slow pace of movement in Washington? You write, you call, and you email, but things never seem to change. Part of the reason for that is that Washington politics are far removed from you — the real base of power.

The phrase, “All politics is local,” carries a lot more weight than one might think. In the Founders’ view of our Constitutional Republic, the ultimate power rests at the most local level possible — the individual citizen. Our Constitution is carefully designed to enumerate powers we voluntarily cede to the government in a descending fashion, starting with the individual and ending with the federal government. That’s right. The real power in our country rests with the individual and then the local and state representatives they elect.

This is why the American Constitutional Rights Union started the Live Free Local initiative. Our aim is to embrace local politics and arm you with the tools to make a difference in your community and state.

Ranked choice voting scam

Join the American Constitutional Rights Union

Join the ACRU’s fight to protect the God-given rights defined in our constitution by becoming a Patriot Club member today. Your monthly tax-deductible membership of $17.76 or more will help us stand on the front lines, fighting those working to take away our God-given liberties.

Becoming a Member will help protect our country from harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies and ensure government continues to do its proper job — preserving, not defining, our natural rights. You’ll also receive special access to live and virtual events.

Constituent Membership
Stay in touch regarding constitutional issues
Weekly emails with updates and ACRU OpEds
$17.76 / Year
Citizen Membership
Weekly email updates from the ACRU to keep you informed and enagaged.
Event invitations and member-discounted rates.
$17.76 / Month
Patriot Membership
All Citizen member benefits plus...
ACRU Pocket Constitution
Live Free Hat
Exclusive access to voter roll database in certain states
$250 for 1 Year
Signer Membership
All Patriots benefits plus...
Founding Documents Book! The Practical Guide to the United States Constitution
$500 for 1 Year
Founder Membership
All Signer benefits plus...
Exclusive access to online meetings with Allen West.

ACRU Fights for Election Integrity

The ACRU fights every day to protect Americans’ most cherished constitutional right — the ability to vote in free and fair elections. Our belief is simple. It should be easy to vote and hard to cheat.

election Information by state
vote fraud tippling

Learn More About ACRU Initiatives

Center for Vulnerable Voters
Protect Vulnerable Voters
Protect Military Votes
Committee to Support and Defend


The Truth About Jim Crow

As the Left shamelessly schemes to prevent election integrity measures in state legislatures and abolish them with a federal power grab (H.R. 1/S. 1), their propaganda includes references to Jim Crow laws of the past. ACRU educated the public on this issue some years ago in our publication “The Truth About Jim Crow.”

We encourage you to download this important publication and share with others. It is important to remember the history of Jim Crow and to know that it has nothing to do with present day voting integrity laws. We all should agree that it should be easy to vote and hard to cheat.

ACRU Live Free Minutes

Is protecting the very things that make this country great worth 60 seconds of your time? Great! Check out the American Constitutional Rights Union’s Live Free Minute recordings and learn more about the freedoms and liberties that make this country great — and why it’s so important to protect them.

Parental Rights