ACRU Quote Library

Tom McHale

Law-abiding citizens have to obey unconstitutional and ill-conceived gun laws…

Law-abiding citizens face each day at a distinct disadvantage because they do obey unconstitutional and ill-conceived gun laws. Criminals know this and act accordingly.
Tom McHale, Director of Public Policy
When corporations can violate the First Amendment...

When corporations can violate the First Amendment…

Corporations may think they are free to censor speech because the First Amendment was written to constrain government, but when they conspire and collude with the government to censor, they have crossed the line and leave themselves open to litigation that could destroy their companies.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The real war on women…

It can no longer be debated, the real war on women is being waged by the progressive socialist left. The recent vote in the US House of Representatives that saw all 203 Democrats vote against protecting women’s sports is evidence. Joe Biden’s pledge to veto any bill that protects women’s sports is further proof. And now we have the decision by the Arizona Attorney General to sacrifice young women seeking to excel in sports upon the altar of gender dysphoria is highly disconcerting. The left desires to erase women from our society. Biological males wishing to compete against females is not heroic, it is cowardice personified. And those supporting this absurdity are utterly deranged and in violation of the constitutional rights of Women in America.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The real threat to democracy

Constitutional conservatives must learn to delineate the goals and objectives of the progressive socialist left. We must be able to clearly show who the real “threat to democracy” is, and those who seek to undermine our Constitutional Republic. Too often we find ourselves reticent, and recalcitrant, to firmly clarify what it is these leftists embrace, and put them on defense. It is time we stop reacting and go on offense. It is time we reclaim language, terms, or references, and force them to defend who they are and what they believe.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Trust the science on voter ID laws...

Trust the science on voter ID laws…

Trust the science, we’ve all been told. Well, the science has spoken again: Voter ID laws aren’t discriminatory and don’t suppress anyone’s vote. Voter security benefits both parties and all Americans.

Hans von Spakovsky, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Do you believe in a sovereign nation?

So, we must ask ourselves, if we do not believe in Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution, then what do we believe? If you do not believe that America is a sovereign nation with borders to protect and defend, what do you believe? If you do not believe millions entering this country illegally is an invasion, what do you believe? If you believe that China should continue shipping deadly fentanyl to the narco-criminal terrorists who transport this chemical into our country with the sole purpose of killing Americans, what do you believe?

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The ideological media…

No, we no longer have a free press. It has been overtaken by an ideological progressive socialist press that is focused on suppression of truth. When that happens, We the People suffer because our individual rights are undermined due to being kept in the dark, and fed bovine excrement.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
The Constitution...

The Constitution…

The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.

George Washington
Lori Roman

Vote fraud is real… and documented…

While many insist that election fraud is non-existent, ACRU and ACRU Action have been tracking and fighting election fraud for many years. ACRU has sued counties that refuse to clean up their voter rolls and ACRU sued Broward County, Florida in 2016 after they refused to remove any deceased or relocated citizens for two solid years. ACRU is known for its Election Integrity Bulletin that is sent regularly to legislators, legislative staff, and election officials.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

About Those Domestic Terrorists…

Parents who attended school board meetings over their concerns about the indoctrination of their children were designated as domestic terrorists. I find that rather interesting because I have yet to see a concerned parent riot, commit violent acts, and burn down a school. Yet, we have an organization, Antifa, that is doing exactly that, including committing acts of violence against law enforcement agencies.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

So-called ‘assault weapons’…

Anything used by a criminal to physically assault a person is an assault weapon. A semiautomatic rifle is just that, an inanimate object that does nothing until it interacts with a human being. It’s the person and their deranged, demonic, intent to violate the liberties of others and do harm that’s responsible for an assault…not the instrument.
Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

In person voting…

If we can go to the grocery store, we can vote in person.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

What is an extreme MAGA Republican?

What is an extreme MAGA Republican? It is any and all of us who disagree with the policies of the progressive socialist left. Joe Biden was never about unity. Nope, the left is all about conformity. If you are not willing to conform or subjugate yourself, then you must be identified, isolated, targeted, and destroyed. The Saul Alinsky “rule for radicals.”

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Deflecting racism and bigotry

Those who know history know that the Democrat party has always been the party of racism, white supremacy, and bigotry. They are just very good at, with the aid of a complicit media, casting that dark specter upon others.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Dissolution of Principles...

Dissolution of Principles…

A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.

Samuel Adams
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Fiscal responsibility

Here is what needs to happen: the federal government must move from the insidious baseline budgeting process to a zero-based budgeting process. There can be no more automatic increases in spending coming off a previous year’s baseline. It is time for the federal government to operate as We the People do, with fiscal responsibility. We cannot raise a household debt ceiling, a dubious concept. We cannot spend beyond our means and keep borrowing money, with no plan of paying our debt. We the People lose our stuff if we try to operate in that irresponsible manner.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Strategy Against the Leftist Agenda

There are two books every Republican and conservative should read before the end of this year: Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” Republicans are being consistently outmaneuvered from a strategic political perspective, and that must end. It can only end if you understand the leftists and what drives them. Then, develop the political killer instinct to defeat them, deny them their objectives, and go on offense against their delusions and derangement.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Constitutional vs. idealogical rights

Leftists have no regard for our individual constitutional rights, they only care to advance their ideological rights. Their ideological rights mean those insidious policies that truly undermine individual freedom, and mainly, it is a minority perspective.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union

What are citizens willing to fight for?

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

John Stuart Mill
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Freedom of religion and the importance of the Second Amendment…

Freedom of Religion and the free exercise thereof is our First Liberty. The Second Amendment is what enables us to Live Free and enjoy all of our liberties.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Printing money…

We cannot continue to attempt to print money to resolve the issue of abysmal fiscal policy. Our economy is artificial, due to Federal Reserve “quantitative easing” manipulation,” especially the manipulation of interest rates to cover for the failing economic policy, and dangerous levels of federal government spending. Our debt is cresting $32 trillion. Our last quarter GDP read was 1.1 percent resulting in a debt to GDP ratio of nearly 130 percent. We are way past redlining our economy, and the resulting failure of three regional banks, Silicon Valley, Signature, and New Republic are indicative of such.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The REAL threats to democracy…

We keep hearing about “threats to Democracy” and that the Mega MAGA Republicans embody that threat. Well, MAGA Republicans are not the ones advocating for illegal immigrants to vote, nor voicing support for open borders. MAGA Republicans are not the ones advocating for stacking the Supreme Court in order to push a leftist ideological agenda. MAGA Republicans are not undermining the Electoral College, as the left is doing, by putting together a coalition called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)


There is something very disconcerting about our government these days; it seems that they thrive upon alarmism. The government seeks to benefit from alarmism and create and expand government while our rights, freedoms, and liberties are reduced. I despise so-called leadership by alarmism.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Voting is Our Civic Duty

Voting is Our Civic Duty

This election, Americans have a clear choice. It is our civic duty to vote, but that is the minimum. Let’s work together to save the country.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The leftist gun control strategy

The leftists always pivot back to the tool used by these evil persons and how that must be controlled. Leftists constantly tip their hands in that they do not wish to solve this issue. They only want legal, law-abiding gun owners punished. Criminals do not abide by laws. Not a single one of my weapons has ever walked out of the gun closet, loaded itself, and embarked upon a shooting rampage.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Judged by character...

Judged by character…

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King
Tom McHale

Law-abiding citizens aren’t the ones committing crimes…

Will law-abiding gun owners suddenly start committing violent crimes because they don’t need a government permit to carry a gun for self-defense? We need to stop believing that criminals make decisions based on what the law says.
Tom McHale, Director of Public Policy
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The American Politburo…

What is happening in America is not just about a two-tiered system of justice. What we have happening is the emergence of an American Politburo. The term Politburo was introduced to us by the old Soviet Union in 1917. It was the principal policymaking committee of the Communist Party. Today in America, we have a policymaking committee that is making decisions and seeking to rule based upon an elitist ideological agenda, to enact a fundamental transformation of the United States of America.a

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

Protection for me but not for thee…

The liberal rule seems to be “Guns for me, but not for thee.” Milwaukee City Council members who voted to defund police, quickly got private security for themselves.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Stasi State

If we do not end the evolution of the Secret State Police, our American version of the East German Stasi police, the FBI, we will live in a state of fear, which is tyranny.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Now they want to steal our children...

Now they want to steal our children…

We are now living in a world where liberal elites are no longer content with shaming adults who choose to have children. They are no longer content with indoctrinating our children. They now want to steal our children from us; especially if we don’t think like them or agree with them. The result is predictable: irreparable harm to children.

Kweku Boafo, Director of Strategic Outreach
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Recess for what?

Should our Congressional Representatives be afforded a recess in August if they have not met, or even close to meeting, their only constitutionally mandated duty? The legislative branch has the most constitutionally enumerated powers of our three branches of government. But, one that is mandated is to pass an annual budget. This is something that has not been done in years.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Big government threats...

Big government threats…

Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.

Barry Goldwater

Valuing anything more than freedom…

If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that, too.

Somerset Maugham
Gun rights are the great equalizer...

Gun rights are the great equalizer…

Second Amendment rights are women’s rights. Guns are the great equalizer in self-defense.
Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Voting machines should be made in America...

Voting machines should be made in America…

Taking a pro-active step to ensure that our voting machines are Made in America, is a great step to restore people’s confidence and trust in our election system. By increasing transparency and accountability, these machines would help to alleviate doubts and promote trust in the democratic process.

Ken Blackwell, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Taking the oath to defend the Constitution…

We must all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of these United States of America, our fundamental rule of law that sees not color… but enables our rights, freedoms, and liberty.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Economic empowerment in the land of opportunity

My ideological mentor, Booker T. Washington, embraced a philosophy of economic empowerment through education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance, regardless of the circumstances facing Blacks. Indeed, that is the message of individual empowerment that reflects the ideal of America being a land of opportunity. It is not an “exception” it is a fundamental principle of this country, and this is why so many seek our shores.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Democratic process cheapened...

Democratic process cheapened…

Maintaining electoral continuity is important to protecting voting integrity. If the rules of the game change at the last minute — especially in a way that even seems to benefit one political party over its opposition — democracy itself is cheapened and delegitimized.

Ken Blackwell, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Preserving liberty...

Preserving liberty…

And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time?

Thomas Jefferson
Constitution Day

Constitution Day

On Constitution Day we are thankful for the wisdom and sacrifices of our forefathers who ensured that Americans would be citizens and not subjects. Let us constantly remind our representatives that individual liberty is the cornerstone of this great country and we will not stop fighting to preserve it.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union

Socialism: Sharing of Miseries…

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

Winston Churchill


A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn’t own.

Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Home-Grown Genocide

Maybe the NAACP should issue a statement on the destruction of the traditional nuclear two-parent family in the Black community. That is probably not a realistic expectation since Black Lives Matter does not support the traditional nuclear family. Supposedly that is also a symbol of white supremacy. Or maybe the NAACP should issue a travel advisory for Blacks to states where murdering unborn black babies by dismemberment has become the number one killer of Blacks . . . over 20 million since 1973 and the Roe v. Wade court decision. That’s genocide.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

The dangers of corporate and government collusion…

It is bad enough when companies lobby to get public policy favors from politicians to crush their rivals, but when the private sector colludes with the government to limit the freedoms of individual Americans it is time to fight back with every legal method we can find.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union

The threat of domestic tyranny…

America was founded by men who understood that the threat of domestic tyranny is as great as any threat from abroad. If we want to be worthy of their legacy, we must resist the rush toward ever-increasing state control of our society. Otherwise, our own government will become a greater threat to our freedoms than any foreign terrorist.


Ron Paul
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

More Bizarro World…

In Bizarro World, the bad guys are the ones who believe in the Constitution. The good guys are the ones who burn down buildings, destroy property, and attack law enforcement officers. It is more acceptable to investigate the leftist opposition on the Bizarro World, and that is called unity. On the normal planet Earth, it is conformity by threat, coercion, intimidation, and ultimately violence.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

False liberals have no regard for individual rights…

The reason the progressive socialist left has embarked upon this crusade of lawlessness is that they have no regard for individual rights, unless they align with their ideological rights. Leftists do not study or read the philosophies of Locke, Bastiat, DeTocqueville, or anyone who advocates for individual rights. The leftists in America are grounded in the rantings of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Saul Alinsky, and other proponents of collectivism. This is why we should not refer to these progressive socialists as liberals. True liberals — classical liberals — are today’s constitutional conservatives who believe in and understand that the individual is supreme over the institution of government, not vice versa.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

A call for real budgeting

The federal government should be on a zero-based budget system, which is what households and businesses utilize, which means each budget cycle, every spending line item, program has to be justified to be maintained and funded.

As well, we have to rein in the federal government’s ability to print money, manipulate interest rates, spend money they do not have (deficit spending) and borrow money to hide its fiscal failures. The ones who end up carrying this burden are American taxpayers.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

We must restore the intent of “the law”…

If we are to Live Free in America, which is our mission at the American Constitutional Rights Union, that means we must restore the original intent and purpose of The Law, and we must comprehend what the Law is. The sad reality in America is that many are blind to what is happening and have joined the campaign of progressive socialism to make individual rights subservient to the collective.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The Forgotten Booker T. Washington

Not much is spoken about Booker T. Washington. The DEI programs and African-American AP history classes seem to have forgotten him, intentionally. It appears that if one advocates for the truth to be correctly taught about Black history then you are labeled a white supremacist, or in my case, “the Black face of white supremacy.”

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union

Patriotism is a virtue…

Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families.

Benjamin Rush
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The soft bigotry of low expectations

The left’s soft bigotry of low expectations is a clear and present danger not just for the Black community but for all Americans. The leftist vision of collective victimization, masked as social justice over individual triumph and achievement, is deadly cancer. It prevents us from reaching our full potential, from the ability to Live Free.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union

Unequal distribution of capitalism is the problem…

The world’s biggest problem is the unequal distribution of capitalism. If there were capitalism everywhere, you wouldn’t have food shortages.

Rush Limbaugh
Taxes optional...

Taxes optional…

If you are not a citizen and don’t pay taxes at all, you can come in anytime — stroll across the border — and you are allowed to stay, and receive welfare, education and health services. If you are a citizen and pay taxes, but are behind on paying them, the IRS can stop you from leaving the country.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Carry permits are unconstitutional

Carry permits are unconstitutional

The requirement by states for law-abiding citizens to obtain a carry permit is unconstitutional by nature. What part of “the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” do legislators not understand? Strict recognition of natural individual rights, like the right to life and self-defense, is what makes freedom in these United States unique.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The Real Plantation Overseer: The NAACP

What the NAACP is evidencing is that they care little about the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (property) for “colored people.” They were founded as, and continue to be, a leftist ideological and agenda-driven organization aligned with a political party that has consistently embraced the ideas of physical enslavement and economic enslavement when it comes to Blacks in America. The NAACP does not advance the idea of Blacks being able to “Live Free.” As Joe Biden quipped, “they gonna put y’all back in chains.” The ones who did that are the political party for whom the NAACP has become the new overseers on the 21st-century economic plantation.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Liberty's teeth...

Liberty’s teeth…

Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.

George Washington
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

A Legal Document

The Constitution is not a living organism. It’s a legal document, and it says what it says and doesn’t say what it doesn’t say.

Antonin Scalia
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Tyrants don’t usurp enumerated constitutional rights like the Second Amendment…

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That’s not a recommendation or a proposal for debate. It’s an enumerated constitutional right, mandated that tyrants don’t usurp or undermine.
Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Wisdom of the Marketplace...

Wisdom of the Marketplace…

Millions of individuals making their own decisions in the marketplace will always allocate resources better than any centralized government planning process.

Ronald Reagan

Entrusting the Government…

I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.

William F. Buckley
George Washington

George Washington

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.

George Washington
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

No good commander abandons troops in need…

The purposeful and intentional disregard of our borders by federal and state elected officials is highly disturbing, treasonous, and fully representative of high crimes and misdemeanors. To ignore and abandon legal, law-abiding citizens at a time when their homes, ranches, property, and communities are being overrun by those who do have a right to enter our country is appalling. No good commander or leader would abandon their troops in dire need.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

Private business “rights”…

Do private businesses have the right to conduct their operations as they see fit? In most cases the answer is yes. Unless they are in breach of contracts or unless that private business is really acting as the pseudo arm of the government to trample on the rights of Americans.

The rise of corporatism, or economic totalitarianism, should cause conservatives to rethink their knee-jerk defense of corporations. Whether we lose our liberties because of government actions or corporate actions they may still disappear forever. It is time to fight back.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Open borders are incompatible with constitutional rights

The question of open borders and the 14th Amendment is the lack of clarification to those illegally within the jurisdiction. That distinction is not explicitly affirmed. Regardless, how can we offer constitutional rights and protections to those whose first act to enter the United States was unlawful? America is a sovereign nation, a Constitutional Republic with borders that are to be regarded, and laws that are to be respected. Anyone failing to do so should not be afforded equal protection under our laws! If that ends up being the case, then America is relegated to just being a piece of terrain by which anyone can illegally occupy . . . the leftist, and global elitist belief is rooted in the concept of no borders, no wall, no USA at all.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)


I take pride in knowing that my life has been, is, and shall be defined by my oath to support and defend our Constitution. That I am among the ranks of those who are the real one-percenters, the Guardians of the American Republic. I have been provided the privilege of serving this nation in uniform and in civilian clothes.

See, my pride does not come from an ideological agenda or personal behavior. My real and true pride is rooted in being a citizen of the greatest nation that the world has ever known.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
The right to keep and bear arms...

The right to keep and bear arms…

The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.

Samuel Adams
Marketplace allocation of resources...

Marketplace allocation of resources…

Millions of individuals making their own decisions in the marketplace will always allocate resources better than any centralized government planning process.

Ronald Reagan
So... Parents are incapable of raising children?

So… Parents are incapable of raising children?

The left takes a disdainful look at parents and sees them as incapable of doing their jobs. They believe a chosen few who meet the ideological purity test should be in charge of directing every aspect of our lives, including managing what our children learn, eat and do with their bodies.

Kweku Boafo, Director of Strategic Outreach
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Unlawful deployment of the military

We are taught as Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines that we have the right to refusal of any order that is unlawful. This directive from Joe Biden to deploy US military troops to further the invasion of illegal immigrants is indeed unlawful, unconstitutional. Our troops have the right of refusal to deploy, just as our US Border Patrol agents who are charged with protecting our border have right of refusal.

And we wonder why recruitment and retention in our Armed Forces is lagging?

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Voting machines...

Voting machines…

The integrity of our electoral process is vital to maintaining the foundations of democracy. Reliable and secure voting machines play a crucial role in the faith, trust, and confidence of our elections.

Ken Blackwell, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)


The left believes they can keep Republicans on the defense on the issue of murdering unborn babies in the womb. First, let’s stop using their language, “women’s reproductive rights” and “pro-choice,” because the bottom line is that the leftists are the extremists who wish to use murder in the womb as a means of birth control and are advocating infanticide.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
The government is here to help...

The government is here to help…

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

Ronald Reagan
All power is from the people...

All power is from the people…

The constitution of the United States asserts that all power is inherent in the people, that they may exercise it by themselves, that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed!

Thomas Jefferson
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The unconstitutional open border policy

The US Constitution, our rule of law, clearly states in Article IV, Section 4 “the guarantee clause,” that the federal government has the enumerated responsibility to protect every state in the Union from invasion. There can be no debate that our Constitutional Republic is facing a massive invasion of illegal immigrants, and it has had a detrimental consequences for drug, human, and sex trafficking. As we have articulated here previously, the Biden administration is in violation of the US Constitution with their open border leftist policy agenda . . . a high crime and misdemeanor, a treasonous offense, subverting the sovereignty of these United States.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)


Our nation, these United States of America, is close to $32 trillion in debt. Our debt to GDP ratio is creeping close to 130 percent, meaning that our debt is outpacing our economic production, gross domestic product. The net interest on the debt is hitting $1 trillion, far more than what we appropriate to our national security and defense. Every American taxpayer would have to write a check for over $200,000 to eradicate the debt. Every American citizen is on the hook for $90, 000.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Progressive socialism, statism, collectivism, Marxism, and communism…

Progressive socialism, statism, collectivism, Marxism, and communism is the antithesis of our Constitutional Republic. It is indeed the enemy of our foundational principles and values. Churchill claimed that socialism is a “philosophy of failure and a creed of ignorance.” We are embroiled in a seminal ideological war in America, one that has to be won by constitutional conservatives…not leftists, and certainly not those who subscribe to the principles of being moderate. There is a clear and present chasm, a choice for us to make.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Defense of liberty and the pursuit of justice...

Defense of liberty and the pursuit of justice…

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The Real NAACP

The NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. But how many of you knew that the NAACP was founded by white progressives (code name for communists) Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villard, William English Walding, and Dr. Henry Moskowitz? Sure, we are taught that WEB DuBois was a founder, but he was made the face of the organization. DuBois was part of the Black intelligentsia elite, a socialist himself, who in later years would dine with Mao Tse Tung, renounce his American citizenship and fully declare his communist beliefs. The NAACP was actually established as a counter to the work and principles of my philosophical mentor, Booker T. Washington. Washington’s work in establishing Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute was grounded in the principles of education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance. Washington was instrumental in the formation of the Negro Business League, which spawned the economic success of the Black community, even in the face of Democrat Jim Crow and segregation policies.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Give me liberty!

Give me liberty!

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! – I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Patrick Henry

Compassion is not offering government assistance…

Compassion is defined not by how many people are on the government dole but by how many people no longer need government assistance.

Rush Limbaugh
Illegal immigration skews congressional representation...

Illegal immigration skews congressional representation…

One of the drawbacks of apportionment today is the large number of aliens in the country, particularly illegal aliens, who distort the representation that states have in the House because the Census Bureau includes them in the population count used to determine how many representatives each state should have. The growing alien population is unfairly and unjustly altering the political representation of the states in the House of Representatives, cheating citizens and devaluing their votes in favor of aliens who have no right to participate in governing this country.

Hans von Spakovsky, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Mega MAGA Republicans

If you support the idea that women athletes should compete against women — not biological males — then you are a Mega MAGA Republican, an extremist. Well, I think Jeffries and the Democrats are about to find out that they are making folks out to be something they are not. How can it be extremist to believe that women should not be forced to lose scholarships, or be in shower facilities, with biological males?

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lessons from the past...

Lessons from the past…

We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.”

George Washington
Capitalism and government intervention...

Capitalism and government intervention…

The prudent capitalist will never adventure his capital… if there exists a state of uncertainty as to whether the Government will repeal tomorrow what it has enacted today.

William Henry Harrison
Government spending and debt...

Government spending and debt…

We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much.

Ronald Reagan
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Who is the MAGA wing?

I suppose those of us who are hard-working individuals, who have done all the right things in building our credit rating, are now what White House mouthpiece Karine Jean-Pierre would call the MAGA wing of the Republican Party.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

“You have no rights to your children.” — The Progressive Left

The progressive socialist left’s ideological agenda for your children means you have no rights to your children. Kinda reminds me of the National Socialists (Nazis) of Germany and the Hitler Youth.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Border security and the fall of Rome…

Rome did not protect its northern border and eventually the Visigoths, a Germanic tribe, led by Alaric sacked Rome in 410 AD. In just two and a half years we have seen between 6-7 million illegally enter America across the southern border. Reports are that another 700K-1 million lie in wait to rush our border. No one is enacting the policies to stop this invasion: not Joe Biden, nor Texas Governor Greg Abbott. With all that we are facing in America at this point, being overrun at our southern border which is operationally controlled by a transnational narco-criminal terrorist organization does not bode well.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Citizenship standards are important for black Americans...

Citizenship standards are important for black Americans…

We cannot let citizenship cease to mean anything. black Americans have fought too hard for citizenship and the right to vote to see it diminished.

Ken Blackwell, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The “gun violence” problem… solved.

Violence with guns, semi-automatic handguns or rifles, is not a MAGA Republican problem … it is a blue city and county problem that is not solved by disarmament. It is solved by ridding ourselves of progressive socialists in city and county elected positions and restoring the rule of law. Then we can have the blessings of liberty and, indeed, Live Free and safe.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Will Big Brother Monitor Your Spending?

Consider this: what happens when the federal government begins to track the purchases of American citizens? Do not tell me that will not happen; the leftists are seeking to do so with firearms purchases. What if the left starts denying purchasing power to individuals they have identified as constitutional conservatives, ya know, those who do not agree with their leftist ideological agenda?

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Cultural Marxism erosion…

No, our economy is not strong. No, we are no longer energy independent. No, we no longer possess a powerful military deterrent…matter of fact, we are a joke, as indicated by drag queen recruiters. No, we are not respected across the globe because our foreign policy is abysmal, and to have France’s President Macron downplay alliance with the US after a visit to China is telling. No, our streets are not safe, as the progressive socialist leftists by way of their well-placed Soros-backed district attorneys are releasing violent criminals. No, we do not have educational freedom and parental choice when the leftist teachers’ unions concentrate more power. Parents are being told they will lose their children if they do not consent to gender mutilation — heck, we are now struggling to understand what a woman is. We cannot be trusted to decide what car we wish to drive or appliances we want in our home, and we are being told how our home should be constructed.

The dangerous infiltration of cultural Marxism is dividing the Country in a detrimental way.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Pretended patriotism...

Pretended patriotism…

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.

George Washington
Personal accountability...

Personal accountability…

We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

Ronald Reagan
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

What is the law?

Each of us, even though we have the right to, cannot operate in a civil society seeking our own means of defense of these unalienable rights. Therefore, individuals grant this individual right to a collective organization, meaning consent of the governed, to defend and protect those rights. That is the purpose of the law. That is what the government is established to do. That is the premise of our Declaration of Independence. Government does not exist to usurp individual unalienable rights; it exists to protect them. That is why our Constitution, our rule of law, establishes this in its first ten amendments, our individual Bill of Rights.


Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Freedom of speech...

Freedom of speech…

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

George Washington
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Border policy

To the mindless lemmings of the progressive socialist left, and your media accomplices, your willful and intentional undermining of our Constitutional Republic will fail. I invite any of you down here to the border to walk the terrain with me and see for yourselves.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans…

Consider the fact that those entering our nation illegally are receiving more free benefits and amenities than our veterans do. When have you heard of homeless veterans being housed in the world’s tallest Holiday Inn in New York City? Given free cell phones? Free bus and plane tickets to the destination of their choice?

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Freedom and the Constitution...

Freedom and the Constitution…

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.

George Washington
The well-armed lamb...

The well-armed lamb…

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote

Ben Franklin

Bribing the people with government money…

The America Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.

Alexis de Tocqueville
Small government...

Small government…

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

Thomas Jefferson

To be free…

To be free is better than to be unfree – always. Any politician who suggests the opposite should be treated as suspect.

Margaret Thatcher
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Record border invasion…

The Biden administration has already discarded the successful “remain in Mexico” policy. Last year we experienced a record invasion of illegal immigrants into these United States, some 2.3 million. All estimates put us on track to exceed that record number this year.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

It’s time for ‘we the people’ to stand up to protect our borders…

It is time we look to our constitutional law enforcement officers, sheriffs, and empower them to reject the overrunning of our communities. It is time that more of us find the time to volunteer and assist our sheriffs in fulfilling their constitutional duties of honoring the rule of law and protecting us. It is apparent that we cannot depend upon politicians, elected officials, whether Democrat or Republican, to fulfill their responsibility, as they are willfully eschewing that duty for ideological gain.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

Americans are suffering at the hands of violent illegal immigrants. Women and children are especially paying a heavy price, but it affects all of us. We must tightly manage all immigration, even legal immigration, and put American citizens first.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Parents are obstacles in the way of the liberal elite agenda...

Parents are obstacles in the way of the liberal elite agenda…

Liberal elites around the world are marching to the same drumbeat of intentionally attacking our parental rights. They understand all that stands in the way of getting to children is their parents. They must do everything in their power to undermine and remove the only obstacle in the way of achieving their goals. They believe that the children belong to those in power.

Kweku Boafo, Director of Strategic Outreach
Triumph of evil...

Triumph of evil…

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke
The patriot's duty...

The patriot’s duty…

It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.

Thomas Paine
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Are we headed towards social credit scores?

Think about the recent conversation about Centralized Banking Digital Currency (CBDC). Nothing could go wrong with that, right? So, if a financial institution knows that your CEI or personal Social Credit Score is below the accepted rate, what happens if they decide to freeze your financial accounts under the auspices of a CBDC?

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union

Subsidizing poverty…

When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.

James Dale Davidson, National Taxpayers Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Audacity of the left

It cannot be debated that the progressive socialist left in America are indeed bold and audacious. They have come to the point of clearly articulating and enacting their delusional and deranged ideological agenda and dare to be challenged

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Hostility against tyranny...

Hostility against tyranny…

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

Thomas Jefferson

State corruption and legislation…

The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates.

Dr. Alveda King

The right to vote, for everyone…

[My uncle] fought to ensure that every single American had the right to vote freely [but] many of those voters are nursing home residents who are often targeted by those who
would steal or suppress their votes.

Dr. Alveda King
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Who dares, wins

It is time a loyal, bold, and constitutional political opposition faces the leftists. It is time to adopt the motto of the British Special Air Service (SAS): “Who Dares, Wins.” We are at a decisive point for the future of America.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

A line in the sand…

A line in the sand has been drawn. Our domestic enemy has intentionally identified themselves. It is sad that we are at this point, but the progressive socialist leftists have indeed declared war on America, its foundations, fundamentals, principles and values. These leftists have proven to us that they are more than willing to use violence as a means to their ends. We have to be smarter, but we must also be resolute and vigilant, never cowering.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Permitless carry is constitutional

Permitless carry is constitutional

We applaud legislators and the executive branches of states where our representatives fight to preserve and maintain constitutional rights like permitless carry. After all, the fundamental purpose of government in our Constitutional Republic is to protect the natural rights of its citizens. Among these enumerated rights are the right to keep and bear arms.
Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

Defending your own in Leftist Land…

In Leftist Land, regular law-abiding citizens are left defenseless. Police are defunded, disarmed, and deterred. Elites have armed private security details. And criminals are free to terrorize over and over.

This is the antithesis of what should happen in our constitutional republic. In such times, we must hold on dearly to our Constitution, which gives Americans the right to protect themselves and which establishes a system for law and order on which they can depend.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Never give in...

Never give in…

This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Winston Churchill
Context of the Constitution...

Context of the Constitution…

Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.

James Madison
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

The Corporate Equity Index

Right now, behind the scenes, the leftists, by way of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), funded by George Soros, have developed something called the Corporate Equity Index (CEI). There are some five to six evaluative criteria the HRC uses to “grade” corporations which mainly center around the radical LGBTQIA+ alphabet soup mafia agenda. The goal is for companies to earn a total of 100 points, or else. The “or else” is the same old progressive socialist Marxist playbook — threats, coercion, intimidation, and creation of fear.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
The Value of Liberty

The Value of Liberty

It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others: or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own.

Thomas Jefferson
Taking away from those who work...

Taking away from those who work…

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

Thomas Jefferson
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Bizarro World

If you do not want your children to have your bodies mutilated, as Joe Biden asserted in an interview, that is just pure evil. If you do not want to murder unborn babies by dismemberment you deserve to be investigated by the FBI, have your church vandalized, or have your pro-life advocacy center firebombed . . . but you do want to murder babies in the womb right up to and after birth, well, that ain’t radical, that is just perfectly fine on the leftist planet of Htrae, known as Bizarro World.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Congressional budget failures

How many of you, everyday American citizens, if you had a job with one mandated duty that you did not accomplish, would still be paid? Yet, there is no accountability or responsibility for this incessant failure of constitutional fiscal responsibility.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Immigration policy is not racist. It’s simply the law…

Therefore, the responsibility falls upon the people, the true American citizens who understand safety and security. This is not an issue of Black, White, Hispanic, or Asian. This is simply an issue of the rule of law, or its abdication and utter dismissal, which has horrific ramifications for us all.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Who is crossing our border?

The amount of single military-age males being allowed illegal entry into America should give us all concern. As well, the same goes for the level of single military-age females. I saw videos of Mexican officials taking illegals to positions and crossing points where there were no individuals to deter their entry. See, you can put up concertina wire, but if no one is there conducting overwatch, it loses its value and capability. Over these past two years We the People have been fed lies, deception, gimmicks, optics, and platitudes when it comes to our southern border security. Now, it has reached its full zenith, and there are still two more years of Biden regime rule…even more years of a feckless Texas governor. Neither of whom are fulfilling their constitutional duties and responsibilities.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Treason from inside…

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

– Roman Statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero

If it is not a concern for you that we are witnessing policies that bring about the destruction of our Country and disregard for our rule of law, then you should evaluate whether you fit into Cicero’s description of a traitor. No longer can we afford to operate under these rules of kindness when one side operates under the rules for radicals.


Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Dependence on government...

Dependence on government…

There are those in America today who have come to depend absolutely on government for their security. And when government fails they seek to rectify that failure in the form of granting government more power. So, as government has failed to control crime and violence with the means given it by the Constitution, they seek to give it more power at the expense of the Constitution. But in doing so, in their willingness to give up their arms in the name of safety, they are really giving up their protection from what has always been the chief source of despotism — government.

Ronald Reagan
Teaching a man to fish...

Teaching a man to fish…

I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course, became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

Ben Franklin
Trusting the people with arms...

Trusting the people with arms…

The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.

James Madison
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Treasonous actions…

It cannot be debated — this current administration is enacting treasonous actions to undermine the sovereignty of our Constitutional Republic, and is in violation of our Constitution. The fact that members of this administration would lie under oath, such as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorgas, telling us the border is secure is unconscionable. And to have the official mouthpiece of the administration, Karine Jean-Pierre, asserting that there has been a 90% decrease in illegal immigration is pure lying, deception. And even her correction stating that Joe Biden is offering, by way of an App, pardons to individuals to illegally enter America is unconstitutional, as he does not have that enumerated power.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Real parenthood

Real parenthood

Parenthood is more than the ability to bring children into this world. Indeed, it is the ability of an adult to take joy in the responsibilities that come with educating, rearing, and taking care of one’s children.

Kweku Boafo, Director of Strategic Outreach
Lori Roman

The Dangers of Corporatism…

For too long, conservatives have blindly supported corporations. While trying to support “free markets” we might inadvertently be supporting corporatism, a form of economic totalitarianism where government and corporations collude to destroy individual rights.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

We are not bound by ideology…

We live in a constitutional republic, not a constitutional monarchy. We abide by the Law, which exists to protect our rights, freedoms, and liberties. We are not bound to obey, or be ruled by, edicts, orders, mandates, decrees, and rules which reflect more ideology than constitutionality. Laws are not made by courts, regardless of what the progressive socialist left states, and courts do not grant us rights, especially rights to take the life of another, born or unborn. Legislatures, not judges or executives, make laws. As our elected representatives, laws are supposed to reflect their fundamental duty to protect our life, liberty, and property, not cherry-pick who they will defend.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

Vulnerable voter fraud evidence mounts…

The evidence of real and tangible voter fraud against vulnerable senior voters is growing.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Lori Roman

Show Me The Man and I’ll Show You the Crime…

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” is a quote attributed to a ruthless secret police chief who eliminated the enemies of Joseph Stalin.  The gulags filled up as he identified his targets and trumped-up crimes.

In an eerie twist of political strategies, American leftists are now using this method to go after Trump and many of his supporters. This is an affront to our entire judicial system and a threat to our constitutional republic. Our nation is in peril.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Ideological governance…

This new American Politburo is not based on political party, but rather on ideology and philosophy of governance. One that believes the government is empowered to rule. It places ideological rights above constitutional rights, which is why this new American Politburo will collude with media elites and corporate fascist elites to censor our free speech and freedom of expression.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
As government expands, liberty contracts...

As government expands, liberty contracts…

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.

Ronald Reagan
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Rules for thee but not for me…

Yes, the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party is once again on full display, and would be laughable, if not so disconcerting. There are rules for everyone else, but there are no rules for Democrats, progressive socialists, Marxists, statists, or leftists.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Diluting the hard-earned right to vote...

Diluting the hard-earned right to vote…

Expanding the right to vote to foreigners not only diminishes the work of black Americans to have their vote counted, but it also gives the right to vote to people who have no stake in the future of our country. Part of being a citizen is caring about leaving the country better off for the next generation. Foreigners living in America do not have the same shared interest in that investment.

Ken Blackwell, Policy Board, American Constitutional Rights Union
Viewpoint censorship...

Viewpoint censorship…

Viewpoint censorship threatens to destroy the country as it was intended to be—a beacon of freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. The First Amendment protects citizens from the government controlling speech, and the principle of free speech permeates our founding principles.

Lori Roman, CEO, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

On the importance of a free press…

The First Amendment is the beginning of our individual Bill of Rights. But, there is one right listed there that some would perhaps believe has nothing to do with individual rights: the freedom of the press. However, when you ponder upon the words, “or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition their government for redress of grievance,” one can surmise why the freedom of the press is vital to our individual rights. A free press is one that objectively keeps the people informed, educated, and able to discern infringement upon their constitutional rights. A free press sets the conditions for us to be citizens in a Constitutional Republic, not subjects in a tyrannical monarchy or system of rule. If we lose that objective press, one that is no longer free to speak to the truth, then We the People can be driven like mindless lemmings.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

The left, as they have historically, have embraced the meaning of Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat and boldly dare anyone to stop them. And why should they not be emboldened since the supposed political opposition party cowers before them and subscribes to some disturbing Marquis of Queensberry rules of engagement? You never hear about bipartisanship, compromise, or working across the aisle when leftists are in control. In the majority they are tyrannical, and in the minority they are tenacious.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union

Government: A Necessary Evil…

Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.

Thomas Paine

Slippery slope of socialism…

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.

Norman Thomas, American Socialist
Photo of ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (Ret)

Censorship under the guise of ‘misinformation’

Consider the whole COVID situation when anyone challenging a prescribed narrative was shut down and censored. The people lost their right to free speech and expression, and that was enabled by government collusion with media platforms to suppress dissension. In every case, it was about facts being discarded as “disinformation” or “misinformation.” We almost saw an Orwellian government directorate established in the Department of Homeland Security to “police” said violations. We the People were stripped of our most basic freedoms, just to go outside, and were driven into submission over a virus that severely affected those with certain comorbidities. But, to speak in such a way, one was assailed. We even saw medical professionals have their credentials threatened or licenses revoked, all because they did, indeed, follow the science.

Allen West, Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Tom McHale

Permitless carry of firearms…

By definition, the law-abiding citizens are the only people honoring the absence of permitless-carry laws and leaving their guns at home. Guess what? Law-abiding citizens are not the problem. Criminals carry regardless of the law.
Tom McHale, Director of Public Policy