No, Cancel Culture Is Not the ‘Free Market at Work’ – Foundation for Economic Education
Cancel culture is inconsistent with the ethos of free enterprise, innovation, and discovery on a number of levels.
Cancel culture is inconsistent with the ethos of free enterprise, innovation, and discovery on a number of levels.
The Committee to Support and Defend the Constitution launched a petition today exposing toxic Marxist Critical Race Theory and its anti-constitutional objectives during an interview with Brigadier General Don Bolduc, U.S. Army (Ret.) on Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic. The petition calls on Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to “honor the oath” to “support and defend” the Constitution of the United States by countermanding orders he has issued since taking office that have eroded military cohesion and readiness.
Over 1,000 former members of the military have signed a scathing public letter warning that the increased priority placed on “wokeness” in the military is a threat to the Constitution and the nation’s military readiness.
Lt. Col Allen West (ret) and over 1000 retired and former military warned of threats to the Constitution and the nation’s military readiness posed by the increased priority placed on “wokeness” in the military. Flag Officers 4 America and the Committee to Support and Defend joined forces to alert the nation to the major national security issue America faces if these policies continue.
Campus Reform spokeswoman Angela Morabito joined Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream to discuss a decision one college's decision to charge students $1,500 if they do not get the Covid vaccine.
Lies upon lies, poetic injustice, arrogance, and an agenda that harmed millions of people. A novelist couldn’t have written him better.
Colleges like the University of Notre Dame are issuing vaccine mandates for faculty and students. This ignores both the science and individual liberties.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has relaxed its rules for reporting work-related adverse events involving the COVID-19 vaccine, releasing employers from an earlier requirement that they report any incidents suffered by their employees due to a mandated vaccine.
American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) President Lori Roman has written an op ed which explains how, in the interest of promoting free markets, we might inadvertently be supporting corporatism, a form of economic totalitarianism where government and corporations collude to destroy individual rights.
Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III and the American Constitutional Rights Union, of which he is a member of the Board, have filed a hard-hitting amicus brief supporting Job Creators Network in their lawsuit against Major League Baseball.