• Graphic with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief and a photo of LTC Allen West (ret.) - CCB square

All Politics Are Local

December 13th, 2023|

We must put a focus on these local levels of governance in order to have a voice and a seat at the table.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for FB and IG

The Real Dictators

December 12th, 2023|

By their very nature, progressive socialists, Marxists, leftists, and communists are the real dictators. Democrats are the real dictators.

  • Graphic with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief and a photo of LTC Allen West (ret.) - CCB square

America’s Game: Army vs. Navy

December 7th, 2023|

The Army-Navy game may not produce the college football national championship team. It just produces young men who will be our champions on battlefields across the globe.

  • Graphic with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief and a photo of LTC Allen West (ret.) - CCB square


November 30th, 2023|

If this is the way the progressive socialist leftists are going to treat members of our military, who would want to serve?

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for FB and IG

Trust Hamas? YGTBSM

November 28th, 2023|

Why would anyone trust Hamas or any Islamic terrorist organization? History tells us why we should not.

  • Graphic with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief and a photo of LTC Allen West (ret.) - CCB square

Please Come Home for Christmas

November 22nd, 2023|

The US military is asking troops that they wrongfully discharged to, well, please come back. The Biden administration is calling a "mulligan" and asking these discharged troops to return.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for FB and IG

Giving Thanks for Conspicuous Gallantry

November 21st, 2023|

There is something unique about America that enables us to live in this incredible country, this Constitutional Republic, where we can give thanks. I do not consider it coincidental that we have Thanksgiving in the same month we honor our veterans.

  • Graphic with the words "Colonel's Constitutional Brief and a photo of LTC Allen West (ret.) - CCB square

“The” vs. “These”

November 15th, 2023|

We often hear people say "the United States of America." I would offer that is not the correct way of referring to our nation. The correct way would be "these United States of America."