ACRU Appeals Broward County (FL) Case to 11th Circuit Court of Appeals


ACRU Staff


August 14, 2018

Florida County Violates Federal Law, Fails to Protect Citizens’ Votes

Lawsuit Demands Broward County Clean Up Corrupted Records
ALEXANDRIA, VA (August 13, 2018)—The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) filed an appellant brief in American Civil Rights Union v. Snipes, arguing that Broward County officials are failing to remove ineligible names from voter rolls and putting citizens’ votes at risk of being diluted by ballot fraud, seeking to overturn a March 30th trial court ruling siding with the county.
Rampant voter fraud is possible because Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes refuses to conduct list maintenance to remove ineligible voters, as required by federal law.
Snipes has done little to ensure that noncitizens, the deceased, those who vote in other states, those registered at commercial addresses, and those ineligible due to federal felony convictions are not registered, according to the lawsuit.
“It is impossible to have over 100% voter registration,” said ACRU General Counsel Ken Klukowski. “Federal law requires removing ineligible names from the voter rolls to safeguard our elections against fraud and tampering to ensure that democracy prevails. Broward County has failed to do so.”
This case, the first of its kind to reach the appellate court level, asserts the right conferred by Congress to demand clean voter rolls. Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) requires the protection of citizens’ votes from dilution because a ballot can be cast for every name that appears on a voter registration list and there is no way to distinguish eligible voters from illegal ones.
Federal law requires state election officials, like Supervisor Snipes, to conduct reasonable list maintenance procedures, including proactive programs to remove ineligible voters from their voter rolls.
The American Civil Rights Union case points out that not only do Ms. Snipes’ list maintenance efforts not meet the standards mandated by federal law, Snipes also failed to comply with even the list maintenance obligations imposed by Florida state law.
The American Civil Rights Union (@The_ACRU) is dedicated to protecting the civil rights of all Americans by publicly advancing a constitutional understanding of our essential rights and freedoms. The ACRU monitors and counters organizations that threaten our constitutional rights and promotes election integrity, compliance with federal election laws, government transparency and constitutional government.



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