Strong Patents: Key To A Strong Economy
8/13: Strong patents are an American tradition, an essential component of American ingenuity and innovation.
8/13: Strong patents are an American tradition, an essential component of American ingenuity and innovation.
8/10: As the Left gained control of the commanding heights of culture and increasingly business across the nation, the new liberal philosophy became freedom for me but not for thee.
8/3: ACRU’s Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell reports on the left's campaign to take over electronic control of Ohio's elections.
8/2: Free and fair elections are vital to our republic.
7/30: ACRU’s Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell explains how the ACLU went from defending civil liberties to defending liberal ideals.
7/30: There's no doubt about it: President Donald J. Trump has breathed new life into the American economy!
ACRU’s Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell appeared on CNN’s State of the Union to discuss immigration and the midterm elections.
Listen to the July 8 show on CNN.
7/14: Supreme Court justices matter. Which is why the president’s nomination of Judge Kavanaugh deserves public support.
7/8: ACRU’s Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell voiced his doubts on possible SCOTUS pick Judge Raymond Kethledge.
7/8: ACRU’s Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell appeared on CNN's State of the Union to discuss immigration and the midterm elections.