Is protecting the very things that make this country great worth 60 seconds of your time? Great! Check out the American Constitutional Rights Union’s Live Free Minute recordings and learn more about the freedoms and liberties that make this country great — and why it’s so important to protect them.
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Parental Rights
Powerful forces are relentlessly working to undermine parents and make children answerable to the woke mob and Godless government. ACRU Executive Director Allen West shares his thoughts on parental rights in this Live Free Minute.
Religious Freedom
ACRU Executive Director LTC Allen West (ret.) explains the dangers of government intrusions on religious liberty. When government uses crises like the COVID pandemic to impose unconstitutional restrictions on individuals' rights, true freedom is at risk.
Liberty or Safety
What would the Founders think about things like COVID Passports? Is it right for a free country to demand adherence to medical mandates before a citizen can participate in society?
The Second Amendment
ACRU President Lori Roman explains the importance of the 2nd Amendment in this American Constitutional Rights Union Live Free Minute.