Maricopa Mulligan
I do not think it is wrong to say the 2022 midterm election in Maricopa County, Arizona must be redone . . . in golf it is called a Mulligan. #MulliganInMaricopa
I do not think it is wrong to say the 2022 midterm election in Maricopa County, Arizona must be redone . . . in golf it is called a Mulligan. #MulliganInMaricopa
America cannot afford a “deja vu all over again” scenario in which enables the progressive socialist left to ever have the levers of power in Washington, DC.
The final results in the Nov. 8 elections heralded several important changes to state election-integrity laws across the country. While some of the initiatives, approved via ballot referendums, will improve the integrity of state elections, others are more invidious, making elections in those states more insecure.
We have gone from a process that was relatively simple, easy, and disruption-free, to a time when we are now told you don't get results for a week.
There is a reason the U.S. State Department and organizations like the Carter Center routinely send teams of American observers to fledgling democracies all over the world: they recognize that transparency is essential to ensuring honest elections. That requires observers to be able to watch every aspect of the voting and ballot-counting process without being intimidated or interfered with.
After enduring years of targeted censorship, the Republican National Committee is suing Google for its bulk-labeling of millions of RNC campaign email communications to its supporters and donors as “spam” during “pivotal points in election cycles.”
For years, liberal activists—with the assistance of their corporate media allies—have been pushing the myth that there is a wave of “voter suppression” going on across the country. As the record registration and turnout numbers in recent elections prove, as well as their numerous losses in litigation show, this is a false claim created by opponents of commonsense election reforms like voter ID.
Guest Lori Roman of The American Constitutional Rights Union discussing election integrity.
The progressive socialist left -- aka the Democrat Party -- had a very bad week. One can only conclude that the left resembles a playground of incompetents.