ACLU Tactics in the Fastest-Growing District in Mississippi

By |2023-03-10T08:04:53-05:00October 25th, 2009|

Sometimes the plain words of the school officials on the front lines better explain the attacks of the ACLU on local school districts than any analysis that the American Civil Rights Union might offer. We need add nothing to this statement by the Superintendent of the DeSoto County School District in Mississippi.

This is the first occasion on which we use no excerpts, and add no explanations to the source article. This statement by Milton Kukendall, Superintendent of the DeSoto County School District, stands by itself and speaks for itself. His is the fastest growing District in his state. He is also President of the Mississippi […]

Jan LaRue: Obama Manipulates Media to Expel Fox

By |2020-04-23T21:53:01-04:00October 22nd, 2009|

Whether the White House's "war" against Fox News is a ruse to divert attention from President Barack Obama's plummeting poll numbers and unfavorable policies, or an all-out attack to exclude Fox News from the White House press pool, the self-proclaimed government "watch dogs" are virtually AWOL or turncoats.

ACLU Asleep at the First Amendment Wheel

By |2020-04-23T21:50:22-04:00October 13th, 2009|

By stepping into the private media with paid operatives, the Justice Department is committing a facial violation of the First Amendment. By remaining silent on this action, the ACLU demonstrates that it does not take the First Amendment seriously.

The facts for this article, but not the legal conclusions, come from an article in, a new website for the Department of Justice, on 1 October. This is the 99th ACLU Outrage, and unlike all the others, this has nothing to do with the ACLU doing anything such as filing a law suit. It has nothing to do with the ACLU saying anything, such as sending […]

Robert Knight: The ACLU's Real Agenda in the Mojave Desert

By |2020-04-23T21:53:01-04:00October 7th, 2009|

Where is Art Carney when you need him? The straight man for the classic Honeymooners TV show could deliver a line sorely needed at today's Supreme Court hearing on the fate of the Mojave Desert war memorial cross: "Simmer down, Ralphie boy!"

Ken Klukowski: Justices Tackle McCain-Feingold While Sotomayor Throws a Curve

By |2020-04-23T21:50:28-04:00September 16th, 2009|

September 9, 2009 was a historic day at the U.S. Supreme Court. Meeting in special session, the Court considered a legal challenge pitting Barack Obama's top Supreme Court lawyer against a living legend in a major First Amendment case that will forever shape how elections are conducted in America. And in her Supreme Court debut, Sonia Sotomayor gave the first hint of what kind of justice she will be.

Ken Klukowski: Controlling Children's Minds

By |2023-03-10T08:04:54-05:00September 6th, 2009|

Most people have now heard that President Obama is going to address America's school children on September 8. He'll be speaking to them directly, without their parents there to serve as a filter.

Ken Klukowski: Never Make a Deal With the Devil About Prayer

By |2020-04-23T21:53:02-04:00August 17th, 2009|

Three Florida school employees will go to federal court on September 17 to see if they'll be thrown behind bars. The reason? Prayer. Their school made a deal with the ACLU to stop praying and this ridiculous situation proves that you can't make a deal with the devil.

Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski: Sotomayor, Civil Rights, and Guns

By |2020-04-23T21:54:07-04:00July 15th, 2009|

Over the next two weeks, one of the critical issues will be your civil rights on guns. Senators could benefit from context to understand the importance of this civil right to protect families, especially racial minorities. Given Judge Sotomayor's long record, her confirmation must be more than "transparent," it must be penetrating and the Senators must dig deep.

Ken Klukowski: Praying for Change

By |2020-04-23T21:53:02-04:00July 8th, 2009|

People are praying in a city hall in Michigan, and atheists are up in arms. People of faith should hope the secularists push this into court, because this time the believers should win. There's something happening in Warren, Michigan. This town has been hit hard by layoffs, like the rest of the state. (Michigan's unemployment rate is over 14%--the worst in the nation, thanks in no small part to Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm imposing big-government taxes, entitlements and union labor policies on the people there.)

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