Democracy Versus Liberty

By |2020-04-23T21:56:54-04:00February 24th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Policy Board Member and Professor of Economics Dr. Walter E. Williams was published February 23, 2011 on

It is truly disgusting for me to hear politicians, national and international talking heads and pseudo-academics praising the Middle East stirrings as democracy movements. We also hear democracy as the description of our own political system. Like the founders of our nation, I find democracy and majority rule a contemptible form of government.

You say, “Whoa, Williams, you really have to explain yourself this time!”

I’ll begin by quoting our founders on democracy. James Madison, in Federalist Paper […]

Obama Justice Department Must Probe Child Porn at MTV

By |2020-04-23T21:52:54-04:00January 25th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Ken Blackwell and ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published January 25, 2011 on The Patriot Post website.

The child porn allegations made against MTV for its “Skins” show must be investigated by the Obama Justice Department. Child pornography is not protected by the First Amendment, and producing child porn is a crime. Whether these allegations are true or not, even allegations of it are something most responsible businesses don’t want to be associated with, and they’re chasing advertisers away from this latest attempt to redefine what’s allowed on television.

The latest TV scandal […]

Shooting "Solutions" Exploit Tragedy, Ignore Grief

By |2023-03-10T08:04:50-05:00January 13th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Jan LaRue appeared January 13, 2011 on The American Thinker website.

We are a nation in grief once again, mourning Saturday’s mass shooting in Tucson Arizona.

But we will get through it if we do what Americans always do — call on a merciful and loving God, honor those who died, care for survivors and their families, recognize the heroes, and seek justice. It doesn’t take an expert in grief counseling to know pain and what helps or hinders getting through the process.

Three months ago my husband of almost 51 years died […]

ACLU Outrage: ACLU Secures Right to Flip People Off, Including Cops

By |2020-04-23T21:52:54-04:00January 12th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight was published January 12, 2011 on The Daily Caller website.

Thanks to the ACLU of Pennsylvania, motorists in that state will be free to swear at and give the finger to police officers and other motorists, thus lowering public decency another notch. Meanwhile, the officers themselves will be forced to undergo “training” on the “right” to flip people off.

In order to settle an ACLU lawsuit, the Pennsylvania State Police have agreed not to cite anyone for disorderly conduct over the use of profanity or obscene gestures.

The outcome will alleviate […]

Put Blame Where It Belongs in Tucson Tragedy

By |2020-04-23T21:54:03-04:00January 12th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published January 12, 2011 on

I formerly lived twelve minutes from that Safeway grocery store in Tucson. I worked four minutes from it. My wife and I sometimes shopped there. I first met Rep. Gabrielle Giffords eight years ago when she was a state senator. “Call me Gabby,” she told me. And I did.

Now in the wake of the tragedy that left the Arizona Democrat gravely wounded and six others dead – including a federal judge, a congressional staffer, a nine year-old girl, and an elderly gentleman who shielded his wife with his […]

Expression is Not Coercion

By |2020-04-23T21:52:55-04:00January 9th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight was published January 7, 2011 on The Washington Times website.

While the nation watches to see how the new House leadership flexes its Tea Party-enhanced muscles, the legal campaign to strip the public square of any reminders of America’s Christian heritage continues apace.

On Tuesday, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the 57-year-old cross atop the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego is unconstitutional. The decision runs counter to a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in a similar case at the Mojave National Preserve, […]

NRA and Reagan Conservatives Defending Second Amendment in Court

By |2020-04-23T21:53:44-04:00January 8th, 2011|

This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published January 8, 2011 on

The Second Amendment is a whole new ballgame in the aftermath of recent Supreme Court decisions. The NRA is taking a leading role in many lawsuits now underway by bringing in top-tier lawyers from the Reagan administration, as the biggest battles over gun rights now move into the courtroom.

For almost 200 years, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was sacred in American law. In addition to hunting, the right of law-abiding citizens to buy, keep and carry guns was essential for […]

California Court Rules Against Cross Memorial

By |2020-04-23T21:52:55-04:00January 6th, 2011|

Ninth’s Decision on Mt. Soledad Veterans Cross “Defies Common Sense,” ACRU Says

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the 57-year-old concrete cross atop the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego is unconstitutional. The decision runs counter to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in a similar case at the Mojave National Preserve veterans memorial.

“This decision appears to be rooted more in a desire to rid the public square of prominent reminders of America’s religious heritage than it does in a desire to protect the sensibilities of people who happen to see the cross. It distorts the […]

Obama to Voters: Drop Dead

By |2020-04-23T21:52:55-04:00December 2nd, 2010|

ACRU General Counsel Peter Ferrara wrote this column appearing December 1, 2010 on The American Spectator website.

The good news is that the Democrats and the Washington Establishment have heard the message from the American people on Election Day, 2010. How could they have not? It was an epoch beginning, 1932 style rout, as predicted here first 18 months ago.

The bad news is how much trouble our country is still in. For after all of President Obama’s double talking sweet talk right after the vote, the harsh reality, inconsistent with our very democracy, is that the Democrats and the Washington Establishment are rejecting the […]

Supreme Court Weighs Arizona Tax Credit for Christian Schools

By |2020-04-23T21:52:55-04:00November 10th, 2010|

ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski wrote this column appearing November 10, 2010 on

While America was talking about the election returns, the Supreme Court was talking about tax credits to fund Christian schools in Arizona. It looks like this might be yet another 5-4 decision on religious liberty, and it’s not clear which way the Court will go.

On Wednesday, November 3–the day after the conservative tsunami resulting in Republican victories across America–the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn. Arizona allows a $500 dollar-for-dollar tax credit if taxpayers choose to give some money to student […]

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