The Meaning of the Constitution
The Constitution of the United States has endured for over two centuries. It remains the object of reverence for nearly all Americans and an object of admiration by peoples around the world.
The Constitution of the United States has endured for over two centuries. It remains the object of reverence for nearly all Americans and an object of admiration by peoples around the world.
This column by ACRU General Counsel Peter Ferrara was published on February 21, 2014 on
President Obama famously has a pen and a phone. And if he had the same powers that Hugo Chavez had, that would be all he would need to impose Hugo Chavez’s programs on America, unilaterally by decree. President Obama is telling us by his words, and his actions, that he thinks he has at least some of those powers. He is telling us by his words and his actions that he will not obey the law, and follow the Constitution he is sworn to uphold by […]
This column by ACRU General Counsel Peter Ferrara was published September 8, 2013 on
One hundred years ago, Woodrow Wilson was leading a counterrevolution against the Constitution. Unfortunately, he was doing it from the White House, as President of the United States. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Wilson was one of the early leaders of the so-called Progressive Movement, which was an open conspiracy against the Constitution from the start. Former President of Princeton University, he had the haughty attitude of superiority that marks so-called “Progressives” to this day. He […]
This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published August 12, 2013 on
Attorney General Eric Holder has just announced an end-run around Congress and given the far left one of its priority action-items, announcing he will not prosecute drug crimes unconnected to gangs or violence. Ironically, he invoked the conservative principle of federalism to do it.
Congress has enacted stiff penalties for various drug crimes, carrying mandatory minimum sentences. According to a leaked copy of his speech today at the American Bar Association (which is a solidly-liberal lawyers’ organization, not any sort of official body for the […]
This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published July 25, 2013 on
Attorney General Eric Holder has launched a war against Texas, and in doing so is defying the Supreme Court of the United States. The imminent judicial beat-down of Holder highlights that this case is not about the rule of law and instead abuses the federal courts for political purposes to rile up the far left and demonize Republicans.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) was enacted pursuant to the Constitution’s Fifteenth Amendment, making it illegal to deny someone’s voting rights due to race. Under […]
This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published on January 17, 2013 on
President Barack Obama on Wednesday revealed his national gun control proposal, one loaded with divisive rhetoric and exploiting children onstage to push his agenda, which ignores the most effective ways to stop gun violence.
Obama had a full-dress press event, joined by children on stage as a backdrop to give the impression that what he proposes is the best way to protect children and to reinforce his rhetoric that those opposing new gun controls are not putting children first. He vilified the “gun lobby” and claimed that a […]
This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published July 12, 2012 on
We can all be thankful that one thing the Supreme Court got right in the Obamacare decision was striking down at least part of the Affordable Care Act’s massive expansion of Medicaid that would reduce the states to a subservient position before the federal government. Even two liberals–Justice Stephen Breyer and President Barack Obama’s second appointee, Justice Elena Kagan–joined Chief Justice John Roberts’ opinion invalidating a key provision in the ACA. But the four dissenters who wrote the Great Dissent would have gone further, striking down the […]
This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published July 5, 2012 on
One week after the Supreme Court handed down its most consequential decision in decades (if not more than a century–upholding almost all of Obamacare in NFIB v. Sebelius–constitutional lawyers are just beginning to wrap their heads around the Court’s 193-page opinion.
This column is the first in a series that will unpack some of the most consequential aspects of that decision, mostly quoting relevant parts of the decision that will have lasting consequences for the country.
The dissent in NFIB v. Sebelius, written jointly by Justices Antonin Scalia, […]
This column by ACRU Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski was published June 25, 2012 on
Major provisions of Arizona’s S.B. 1070 were held unenforceable by the Supreme Court because they conflict with federal law, though the Court unanimously upheld its most controversial provision. So the biggest immigration case in U.S. history was a mixed result, one in which President Barack Obama won more than Governor Jan Brewer, in a case reminding us that America’s Supreme Court is anything but conservative.
Two important points at the outset about Arizona v. United States that the media isn’t discussing.
First, this case […]
Ruling in Arizona v. United States lets officers check immigration status during lawful stops, while striking down other elements of SB 1070.
WASHINGTON — “We’re disappointed in much of today’s ruling, but the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the key right of law enforcement officials to inquire as to immigration status during traffic stops,” said Susan A. Carleson, Chairman and CEO of the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU), which filed a Supreme Court brief in February in support of Arizona.
“If the federal government won’t do the job of enforcing our border, we believe Arizona and other states have the constitutional right to defend it themselves,” […]