About ACRU Staff

The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is dedicated to defending the constitutional rights of all Americans. ACRU stands against harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies that have taken hold in our nation’s courts, culture, and bureaucracies. We defend and promote free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, and national sovereignty.

County Commissioner accused of using disability protections to cheat

By |2023-03-06T12:08:10-05:00October 3rd, 2020|

All fraud stories are awful, but some are absolutely disgraceful. An elected Democrat official in Texas and his buddies have been charged with illegal ballot harvesting — getting “voters’ to pretend they were disabled and entitled to ADA guidelines. Let’s hope being charged with 130+ felonies is a warning to other fraudsters thinking about using important disability community protections as a scheme to steal votes.

“People who already sent their ballots in will be destroyed”

By |2023-03-06T12:08:10-05:00October 3rd, 2020|

With above referenced Freudian slip, the Newyago county clerk notified local voters that, whoops, a (Republican appointed) judge was “left off” absentee ballots already mailed. However this oversight occurred, it will surely cause — at best — confusion for voters. “Didn’t I vote once already?” Just another example that mistakes can cause as much vote disruption as fraud. Vote In Person!

Liberals’ documentable plan to destroy election security

By |2023-03-06T12:08:10-05:00October 3rd, 2020|

Journalists Rebecca Mansour and Jim Pinkerton provide a remarkable and detailed overview of the specific steps liberals and their Democrat allies will take to try to win the 2020 election by cheating and creating chaos. This is an important read for anyone concerned with the integrity of our electoral process.

Crisis tyrants v. Football Mom

By |2023-03-06T12:08:12-05:00September 24th, 2020|

Un-masked Mom fully distanced with her own family in bleachers. Bullying cop pulls her up and tases her for not wearing a mask. No matter what your position on masks, this is a DISGRACE and another example of Crisis Tyrants in action.

It’s good to be a leftist felon until the FBI steps in

By |2023-03-06T12:08:14-05:00September 12th, 2020|

New York State and City’s bail “reforms” regularly release violent felons back into communities. Now, in Portland, a rioter arrested three times in four weeks, twice for assaulting police officers, was re-re-released. Portland doesn’t even need bail “reform” to let leftists loose to inflict fear and economic calamity on the law abiding folks just trying to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Democrats Just Say No to Trump judges

By |2023-03-06T12:08:14-05:00September 12th, 2020|

For judicial watchers, the Senate’s inaction on approving Trump appointed Constitutional jurists has been frustrating and painful. As pointed out in this fact-filled Federalist article, Trump’s judges have received half of the “no” votes ever given to judges in our entire history. These approval statistics are devastating, and meanwhile, the impact on citizens waiting for hearings and trials is — you guessed it —“Trump’s fault.”

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