Tears for Fears
Does Selena Gomez shed tears when she walks the Gardens of Stone, known as our National Military Cemeteries?
An American Black Man’s Interpretation of the 14th Amendment
I seek to provide my common sense interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Needless to say, it has once again become the topic du jour in the news since the inauguration of the 47th President.
The Resurrection of the American Republic
Liberty-loving Americans flooded the ballot box on November 5, 2024. We will now have a Department of Justice that restores the rule of law. But, never forget that the last box, the cartridge box, and your access to it is enshrined in the Constitution of these United States under the Second Amendment.
Leftist Political Exile
It's time for “bombs away” on the ideological agenda of the American progressive socialist left to force them into political exile.
Why the Upcoming Deportations Will Increase American Confidence in Elections
For those of us who work in the field of election integrity, it is our primary goal to ensure that Americans can trust their elections. States are responsible for safeguarding the votes of their own citizen residents and promoting trust that the votes are counted as cast.
Constitutional Governance
Now is the best time to restore constitutional governance. One of the reasons why we have an apocalyptic debt crisis in America is a lack of adherence to our Constitution.
The Legacy of Joe Biden…the Fate of the Democrats
Joe Biden departs the Oval Office as an elderly, angry bird. Americans want happy Warriors who will defend our Republic. We don't want zombies, angry birds, or socialists.
Burning Down the House
White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre has stated the final weeks of the Biden administration will be jam-packed. I think we all would prefer that the final weeks of the Biden administration would be jammed with his packing...and focused on his departing.
The Left’s Deranged Definition of Security
The outgoing Biden-Harris leftist administration has had a deranged definition of what security means. And what happened in New Orleans is an indicator of exactly that.
Who’s in Charge? Ain’t You?
The question for us as a nation, going into 2025, is whether or not we will ever again be caught asking who is in charge and looking around mindlessly pondering, “Ain't you?” It is going to truly be a Happy New Year.
When in Charge, Be in Charge
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat! It's time for all conservatives, especially those holding elected positions, to be bold and govern according to the mandate delivered by the American people.
Collective Bargaining on the American Taxpayer Dime
Word of advice: if you are in the SSA and want to keep your job, show up to work on January 21st... Then again, I suppose that applies to any government agency employee.
Les Miserables
I truly believe that the progressive socialist left in America is looking at a long-term political exile. The progressive socialist leftists in America are indeed Les Miserables, but Americans rejected their adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel.
The Constitutional Question in the Case of Daniel Penny
I am glad that the jury reached the verdict that they did. I am glad that our Constitutional rights of protecting our lives were upheld. I am glad that a message is being sent to criminals; you cannot wantonly threaten citizens.
The False Gods of Leftism
The false god of the left, government, its temples, its acolytes, its mandates, edicts, and directives are about to be torn down. There is nothing else that scares the bejeezus out of centralized government control autocrats more than that.
No One Is Above the Law…Unless
A jury found Hunter Biden guilty, being the president's son has no bearing on the verdict. Joe Biden said no one is above the rule of law. His action to pardon Hunter Biden and the subsequent leftist media embrace was very loud and clear.
Haters Gonna Hate
I have often said, "When tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide." When you use language and the rhetoric of hate consistently in describing your political opposition, or, as Obama once said, you have to “punish” your political opponent, the results are deadly.
Resistance is Futile…and Stupid
This whole insidious idea called "sanctuary states and cities" is unconstitutional. And resistance to the enforcement of the Constitution is called breaking the law.
Constitutional Governance
When we talk about constitutional governance, it means a federal government, as the Constitution refers to as "the United States," that operates within its prescribed, enumerated powers.
Cleanup on Aisle 7
Democrats made a mess of America in every way. What is quite disconcerting is that they are angry and attacking those people who reported that we needed a cleanup on aisle 7, heck, all the aisles. Worse, they’ve gone into vicious attack mode on the people being called in to clean up.