Our great Constitutional Republic is about to enter into an incredible historic moment, its 250th anniversary of independence. Now, to many Countries across the globe that is just a drop in the bucket. But when one considers the great strides and achievements that these United States of America have made in 250 years, it is unbelievable. It is also rather unconscionable that the cultural Marxists of the progressive socialist left would disavow the Nation’s founding and history with such absurdities as the 1619 Project.
I remember America’s 200th birthday in 1776 and I was just a 15-year-old kid growing up in Atlanta. It was a moment of pride, and as I prepare for the 250th, it is a time of even greater pride. However, before we get to July 4, 1776, American Independence Day, just so you know, the Republican Party of Texas was founded by 150 Black men on American Independence Day, 1867. It was just two years after they had found out that they were free, June 19, 1865.
But, there is an even more important 250th anniversary that is approaching within two months. It is the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, where our American Revolution began. As part of my growth as an American Patriot, I will be in Lexington on Saturday, 19 April to be a part of the remembrance. I am especially looking forward to running the 111th Annual Lexington Five Miler which is part of the celebration of “the shot fired heard ’round the world.” Imagine that, the kid born in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, in a segregated, Blacks-only hospital, will be running a five mile race on the day 250 years ago, almost to the exact time, when men stood against the greatest military power the world knew at that time.
It is a special day to remember and honor because on that day, April 19, 1775, there was no United States of America. Heck, there was no Army, Navy, or Marine Corps and certainly no Air Force or Space Force. So, who was it? What was the driving determination that brought those men out of their homes and taverns, as well as their sense of comfort? It was the called upon militia, ordinary men who believed in a simple ideal—individual Liberty. And so it goes, they had a name based upon that concept—the Sons of Liberty.
However, if the Sons of Liberty were alive today, would they understand what just happened in the State of Colorado? Colorado just voted in their State House and Senate, by way of leftist majorities, to ban specified semi-automatic pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Of course, the left would refer to these weapons as “assault weapons.” Then again, anything used to enact bodily harm against another is an assault weapon. The Sons of Liberty would identify these members of the Colorado State Legislature who voted for this measure, which Governor Jared Polis will certainly sign, as modern day Redcoats.
On April 19, 1775, the mission of the British troops marching inland from Boston was to find and destroy a weapons and armaments factory that was supplying the Sons of Liberty. The Redcoats then, as the modern Redcoats now, understood that you could only subjugate a population that was unarmed. The British, like the progressive socialists, want subjects. Then as now, they comprehend that armed individuals have a greater chance to resist and be citizens. As a matter of fact, it was Thomas Paine who asserted, “the duty of a true Patriot is to protect his Country from its government.” So, why would these leftist Colorado legislators pass legislation banning weapons that have a detachable magazine?
Perhaps we should review the words of the Second Amendment, a Constitutional right. “A well regulated (regulated means training in the language of the Founding Fathers, not ATF) militia (that means all of us, or as we say down south all y’all, legal law abiding citizens) being necessary to the security of a Free State (it is the responsibility of each of us to not just provide for our self-defense, but also the security of our State/Nation-State. Remember, on April 19, 1775 there was no Army, Navy, or Marine Corps), therefore the RIGHT of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” Pretty easy to understand language, unless you are a modern day Redcoat seeking to undermine individual liberty.
For clarity, the Second Amendment is the “law of the land” and has withstood Supreme Court tests such as Heller v. DC and McDonald v. Chicago. Funny, leftists believe that their ideological agenda should be codified as a right…same sex marriage. Yet that which is in the Constitution which is contradictory to their agenda is not. Lest we forget, Joe Biden telling us that “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.”
This recent unconstitutional action and violation of the Second Amendment comes from Colorado, where we still remember the video showing criminal armed illegal immigrants going about an apartment complex. These are the same criminal illegal immigrant Tren de Aragua gang members that leftists want to protect. But, for some odd reason, leftists, modern day Redcoats, want to disarm legal law-abiding Americans, making them more susceptible to assault, and attack by these dangerous individuals, along with terrorists, they have allowed freely into our Country.
These progressive socialists always ramble on about women’s rights, which they associate with dismembering babies in the womb. What about a woman’s right to self-defense? Why target and punish women, Americans, all for a diabolical, tyrannical intent? And it is not just in Colorado, but consider the unconstitutional gun laws in Massachusetts, where they fired the shot that started the American Revolution. The modern-day Redcoats in Massachusetts have done what the original Redcoats intended.
It was Scottish political philosopher Alexander Fraser Tytler who reminded us of the life cycle of a Republic, a representative Democracy. He said, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
One of the leaders on April 19, 1775, was Jonas Clark, the Lexington Minister, representing spiritual faith. That spiritual faith gave birth to courage, and from that courage came liberty. Where would you say our America is in its life cycle? And I know that progressive socialists love to rant on about Donald Trump being a dictator, but the recipe for a dictatorship comes from loose fiscal policy, massive debt, economic enslavement and dependency, and of course disarmament of the population. That has been evidenced over and over again.
The Democrat legislators in Colorado, sorry, the modern-day Redcoats, should be ashamed. Back in the day, when our Country was beginning, they would have been tarred and feathered as referred to as traitors. I do not consent to the former, but they are certainly the latter…as with all leftists and Marxists who wish to violate the Second Amendment and make subjects out of citizens.
My response to the delusional leftists in Colorado, Massachusetts, and all across our Country is two words, “Foxtrot Oscar.” We, true Patriots, will never be made subservient and will not surrender our Constitutional right to self-defense and our individual American responsibility to secure our Nation, seeing that you prefer not. Focus on the criminals, illegal and otherwise, which you seem to embrace, but leave us the hell alone. And if any of you modern day Redcoats have a problem with what I have written, come see me on April 19th in Lexington, Massachusetts, let’s play Patriot and Redcoat.
To the brave Patriots in Colorado, do not bow the knee and remember as a former slave and American Patriot, Frederick Douglass once said, “A man’s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box, and the cartridge box.”
I guess that is why deranged leftists tore down Douglass’ statue in Rochester, New York.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This article originally appeared at TownHall.com.
The Modern Day Redcoats
Allen West
March 4, 2025
Our great Constitutional Republic is about to enter into an incredible historic moment, its 250th anniversary of independence. Now, to many Countries across the globe that is just a drop in the bucket. But when one considers the great strides and achievements that these United States of America have made in 250 years, it is unbelievable. It is also rather unconscionable that the cultural Marxists of the progressive socialist left would disavow the Nation’s founding and history with such absurdities as the 1619 Project.
I remember America’s 200th birthday in 1776 and I was just a 15-year-old kid growing up in Atlanta. It was a moment of pride, and as I prepare for the 250th, it is a time of even greater pride. However, before we get to July 4, 1776, American Independence Day, just so you know, the Republican Party of Texas was founded by 150 Black men on American Independence Day, 1867. It was just two years after they had found out that they were free, June 19, 1865.
But, there is an even more important 250th anniversary that is approaching within two months. It is the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, where our American Revolution began. As part of my growth as an American Patriot, I will be in Lexington on Saturday, 19 April to be a part of the remembrance. I am especially looking forward to running the 111th Annual Lexington Five Miler which is part of the celebration of “the shot fired heard ’round the world.” Imagine that, the kid born in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, in a segregated, Blacks-only hospital, will be running a five mile race on the day 250 years ago, almost to the exact time, when men stood against the greatest military power the world knew at that time.
It is a special day to remember and honor because on that day, April 19, 1775, there was no United States of America. Heck, there was no Army, Navy, or Marine Corps and certainly no Air Force or Space Force. So, who was it? What was the driving determination that brought those men out of their homes and taverns, as well as their sense of comfort? It was the called upon militia, ordinary men who believed in a simple ideal—individual Liberty. And so it goes, they had a name based upon that concept—the Sons of Liberty.
However, if the Sons of Liberty were alive today, would they understand what just happened in the State of Colorado? Colorado just voted in their State House and Senate, by way of leftist majorities, to ban specified semi-automatic pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Of course, the left would refer to these weapons as “assault weapons.” Then again, anything used to enact bodily harm against another is an assault weapon. The Sons of Liberty would identify these members of the Colorado State Legislature who voted for this measure, which Governor Jared Polis will certainly sign, as modern day Redcoats.
On April 19, 1775, the mission of the British troops marching inland from Boston was to find and destroy a weapons and armaments factory that was supplying the Sons of Liberty. The Redcoats then, as the modern Redcoats now, understood that you could only subjugate a population that was unarmed. The British, like the progressive socialists, want subjects. Then as now, they comprehend that armed individuals have a greater chance to resist and be citizens. As a matter of fact, it was Thomas Paine who asserted, “the duty of a true Patriot is to protect his Country from its government.” So, why would these leftist Colorado legislators pass legislation banning weapons that have a detachable magazine?
Perhaps we should review the words of the Second Amendment, a Constitutional right. “A well regulated (regulated means training in the language of the Founding Fathers, not ATF) militia (that means all of us, or as we say down south all y’all, legal law abiding citizens) being necessary to the security of a Free State (it is the responsibility of each of us to not just provide for our self-defense, but also the security of our State/Nation-State. Remember, on April 19, 1775 there was no Army, Navy, or Marine Corps), therefore the RIGHT of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” Pretty easy to understand language, unless you are a modern day Redcoat seeking to undermine individual liberty.
For clarity, the Second Amendment is the “law of the land” and has withstood Supreme Court tests such as Heller v. DC and McDonald v. Chicago. Funny, leftists believe that their ideological agenda should be codified as a right…same sex marriage. Yet that which is in the Constitution which is contradictory to their agenda is not. Lest we forget, Joe Biden telling us that “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.”
This recent unconstitutional action and violation of the Second Amendment comes from Colorado, where we still remember the video showing criminal armed illegal immigrants going about an apartment complex. These are the same criminal illegal immigrant Tren de Aragua gang members that leftists want to protect. But, for some odd reason, leftists, modern day Redcoats, want to disarm legal law-abiding Americans, making them more susceptible to assault, and attack by these dangerous individuals, along with terrorists, they have allowed freely into our Country.
These progressive socialists always ramble on about women’s rights, which they associate with dismembering babies in the womb. What about a woman’s right to self-defense? Why target and punish women, Americans, all for a diabolical, tyrannical intent? And it is not just in Colorado, but consider the unconstitutional gun laws in Massachusetts, where they fired the shot that started the American Revolution. The modern-day Redcoats in Massachusetts have done what the original Redcoats intended.
It was Scottish political philosopher Alexander Fraser Tytler who reminded us of the life cycle of a Republic, a representative Democracy. He said, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
One of the leaders on April 19, 1775, was Jonas Clark, the Lexington Minister, representing spiritual faith. That spiritual faith gave birth to courage, and from that courage came liberty. Where would you say our America is in its life cycle? And I know that progressive socialists love to rant on about Donald Trump being a dictator, but the recipe for a dictatorship comes from loose fiscal policy, massive debt, economic enslavement and dependency, and of course disarmament of the population. That has been evidenced over and over again.
The Democrat legislators in Colorado, sorry, the modern-day Redcoats, should be ashamed. Back in the day, when our Country was beginning, they would have been tarred and feathered as referred to as traitors. I do not consent to the former, but they are certainly the latter…as with all leftists and Marxists who wish to violate the Second Amendment and make subjects out of citizens.
My response to the delusional leftists in Colorado, Massachusetts, and all across our Country is two words, “Foxtrot Oscar.” We, true Patriots, will never be made subservient and will not surrender our Constitutional right to self-defense and our individual American responsibility to secure our Nation, seeing that you prefer not. Focus on the criminals, illegal and otherwise, which you seem to embrace, but leave us the hell alone. And if any of you modern day Redcoats have a problem with what I have written, come see me on April 19th in Lexington, Massachusetts, let’s play Patriot and Redcoat.
To the brave Patriots in Colorado, do not bow the knee and remember as a former slave and American Patriot, Frederick Douglass once said, “A man’s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box, and the cartridge box.”
I guess that is why deranged leftists tore down Douglass’ statue in Rochester, New York.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This article originally appeared at TownHall.com.
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