Howdy y’all, greetings and salutations. I just got back from Washington, DC and the inauguration of the 47th President of these United States of America, Donald J. Trump. What an incredible story, only seen once before in U.S. history where there has been someone to serve two non-consecutive presidential terms of office. The first was Grover Cleveland, and we all got a chance to witness the second on Monday, 20 January 2025. The atmosphere in Washington, DC, and indeed across the country was felt, witnessed, and shared. When President Trump talks about a new golden era for our America, it is something well deserved for the longest running Constitutional Republic the world has ever known. Just as with Reagan’s declaration of “Morning in America” to break the malaise of one Jimmy Carter, so are we experiencing that sentiment again.
As we were coming home from an inaugural evening ball, our Uber driver, who was Black, made a profound statement. He said, “You can dislike Trump if you wish, but what 78-year-old man has such energy and focus?” Who has ever witnessed such a first day as what we saw from President Trump: public signing of executive orders and actions, pardons, and commutations? And the left should be advised to have a nice hot cup of STHU (shut the heck up) commenting on J6 pardons and commutations after Biden’s dubious pardons of his crime syndicate family and preemptive pardons…not to mention the countless violent criminals. Trump even delivered an hour long press conference whilst signing more executive actions and orders. And yes, the firm assertion that senior levels of the military would find themselves terminated has already begun with the head of the U.S. Coast Guard. I would presume the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Air Force General Charles Q. Brown is next. The Committee to Support and Defend was very direct in our rejection of his selection by Joe Biden, as this General signed a memo to reduce the number of white male pilots in the Air Force…just because they were white men.
Yes, there is a resurrection of the American Republic, but we cannot lose focus, determination, and direction, as this endeavor is not just about the next four years. It must be a generational commitment. During President Trump’s term of presidential office, America will be 250 years old. Yes, 250 years of Independence for the greatest Nation blessed by God. But that celebration comes next year, but I believe an even more important celebration comes this year.
This year, on April 19th, 2025, it will be the 250th anniversary of the shot that was fired and heard ’round the world. We shall remember the brave men who stood at Lexington and Concord Bridge and took on the greatest power the world knew at that time, Great Britain…”Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the world.”
On that day in 1775, there was no United States of America, no Army, no Navy, no Marine Corps, just brave men and women, like many I saw this past weekend in Washington, DC. Men of courage and resolve who came out from their homes and taverns and made ready. Men who set the stage for the most important amendment in our Constitution, the Second. They embodied the words, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state; therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Short, uncompromising, and clear, we the people, not an armed force, not law enforcement, not government agencies, have the right to self-defense in the name of security for our land…and it is not supposed to be messed with.
What is amazing to me is that this year, 2025, the 250th anniversary of the Lexington and Concord Bridge, will be on Easter weekend. The same weekend when we celebrate the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whom and with whom we have resurrection power in His name and eternal life. We can also remember the sacrifice of those Men for whom we now seek to resurrect this Republic for which it stands…One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. This year, April 19th and April 20th, will mark the earthly freedom of Americans and the spiritual freedom for all. I believe there is a divine message. Many of us true American patriots should try and be there in Lexington, Massachusetts on April 19, 2025. I am seeking to be there. Heck, they even have a Patriots Five Mile run that Saturday morning!
But, ponder 250 years ago the stand those astute Men made and the current state of gun control laws in the State of Massachusetts….and many other left-leaning States. The progressive socialist leftists in America have become the “new Redcoats” in seeking to force us into collective subjugation and subservience by way of disarming us. If we are to resurrect the American Republic, we must secure our God-given Natural Right to be citizens, not subjects, which is the premise of the Second Amendment. And it is great that we have President Trump, but our fight is at the state, and municipal level, especially major urban centers. Colorado Governor Jared Polis has even hinted that he supports an “assault weapons ban,” further exemplifying the stuck on stupid nature of these Marxists. Their seminal belief is that a disarmed population is far better controlled and easier to rule. History has taught us the correlation lesson of leftist disarmament and mass genocides of the population…Germany, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela just to name a few.
As you all read this missive, I am heading to Las Vegas for the SHOT Show. It is perhaps the largest gun industry trade show in the world, and yes, it should be so, and in America. I look forward to seeing men and women who understand the foundation of our freedom here in America: the right to self-defense. And to those who would seek out and attack, assail our gun manufacturing industry in America…lest I remind you, the target of the British Army on April 19, 1775, was a weapons and armaments factory in the vicinity of Concord, Massachusetts that was supplying the Sons of Liberty.
In order to resurrect the American Republic, a new generation of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty must take the field, hold the line, and be prepared to make ready. Even the great Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass stated, “A Man’s rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.” Douglass believed that these boxes were central to fighting for rights against oppression.
Liberty-loving Americans flooded the ballot box on November 5, 2024. We will now have a Department of Justice that restores the rule of law. But, never forget that the last box, the cartridge box, and your access to it is enshrined in the Constitution of these United States under the Second Amendment. All three will ensure that we resurrect and keep the American Republic.
Steadfast and Loyal.
The Resurrection of the American Republic
Allen West
January 22, 2025
Howdy y’all, greetings and salutations. I just got back from Washington, DC and the inauguration of the 47th President of these United States of America, Donald J. Trump. What an incredible story, only seen once before in U.S. history where there has been someone to serve two non-consecutive presidential terms of office. The first was Grover Cleveland, and we all got a chance to witness the second on Monday, 20 January 2025. The atmosphere in Washington, DC, and indeed across the country was felt, witnessed, and shared. When President Trump talks about a new golden era for our America, it is something well deserved for the longest running Constitutional Republic the world has ever known. Just as with Reagan’s declaration of “Morning in America” to break the malaise of one Jimmy Carter, so are we experiencing that sentiment again.
As we were coming home from an inaugural evening ball, our Uber driver, who was Black, made a profound statement. He said, “You can dislike Trump if you wish, but what 78-year-old man has such energy and focus?” Who has ever witnessed such a first day as what we saw from President Trump: public signing of executive orders and actions, pardons, and commutations? And the left should be advised to have a nice hot cup of STHU (shut the heck up) commenting on J6 pardons and commutations after Biden’s dubious pardons of his crime syndicate family and preemptive pardons…not to mention the countless violent criminals. Trump even delivered an hour long press conference whilst signing more executive actions and orders. And yes, the firm assertion that senior levels of the military would find themselves terminated has already begun with the head of the U.S. Coast Guard. I would presume the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Air Force General Charles Q. Brown is next. The Committee to Support and Defend was very direct in our rejection of his selection by Joe Biden, as this General signed a memo to reduce the number of white male pilots in the Air Force…just because they were white men.
Yes, there is a resurrection of the American Republic, but we cannot lose focus, determination, and direction, as this endeavor is not just about the next four years. It must be a generational commitment. During President Trump’s term of presidential office, America will be 250 years old. Yes, 250 years of Independence for the greatest Nation blessed by God. But that celebration comes next year, but I believe an even more important celebration comes this year.
This year, on April 19th, 2025, it will be the 250th anniversary of the shot that was fired and heard ’round the world. We shall remember the brave men who stood at Lexington and Concord Bridge and took on the greatest power the world knew at that time, Great Britain…”Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the world.”
On that day in 1775, there was no United States of America, no Army, no Navy, no Marine Corps, just brave men and women, like many I saw this past weekend in Washington, DC. Men of courage and resolve who came out from their homes and taverns and made ready. Men who set the stage for the most important amendment in our Constitution, the Second. They embodied the words, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state; therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Short, uncompromising, and clear, we the people, not an armed force, not law enforcement, not government agencies, have the right to self-defense in the name of security for our land…and it is not supposed to be messed with.
What is amazing to me is that this year, 2025, the 250th anniversary of the Lexington and Concord Bridge, will be on Easter weekend. The same weekend when we celebrate the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whom and with whom we have resurrection power in His name and eternal life. We can also remember the sacrifice of those Men for whom we now seek to resurrect this Republic for which it stands…One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. This year, April 19th and April 20th, will mark the earthly freedom of Americans and the spiritual freedom for all. I believe there is a divine message. Many of us true American patriots should try and be there in Lexington, Massachusetts on April 19, 2025. I am seeking to be there. Heck, they even have a Patriots Five Mile run that Saturday morning!
But, ponder 250 years ago the stand those astute Men made and the current state of gun control laws in the State of Massachusetts….and many other left-leaning States. The progressive socialist leftists in America have become the “new Redcoats” in seeking to force us into collective subjugation and subservience by way of disarming us. If we are to resurrect the American Republic, we must secure our God-given Natural Right to be citizens, not subjects, which is the premise of the Second Amendment. And it is great that we have President Trump, but our fight is at the state, and municipal level, especially major urban centers. Colorado Governor Jared Polis has even hinted that he supports an “assault weapons ban,” further exemplifying the stuck on stupid nature of these Marxists. Their seminal belief is that a disarmed population is far better controlled and easier to rule. History has taught us the correlation lesson of leftist disarmament and mass genocides of the population…Germany, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela just to name a few.
As you all read this missive, I am heading to Las Vegas for the SHOT Show. It is perhaps the largest gun industry trade show in the world, and yes, it should be so, and in America. I look forward to seeing men and women who understand the foundation of our freedom here in America: the right to self-defense. And to those who would seek out and attack, assail our gun manufacturing industry in America…lest I remind you, the target of the British Army on April 19, 1775, was a weapons and armaments factory in the vicinity of Concord, Massachusetts that was supplying the Sons of Liberty.
In order to resurrect the American Republic, a new generation of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty must take the field, hold the line, and be prepared to make ready. Even the great Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass stated, “A Man’s rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.” Douglass believed that these boxes were central to fighting for rights against oppression.
Liberty-loving Americans flooded the ballot box on November 5, 2024. We will now have a Department of Justice that restores the rule of law. But, never forget that the last box, the cartridge box, and your access to it is enshrined in the Constitution of these United States under the Second Amendment. All three will ensure that we resurrect and keep the American Republic.
Steadfast and Loyal.
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