Who Votes? Who’s Represented? Who Counts?


Allen West


October 16, 2024

“It is not the people who vote that count. It is the people who count the vote.”

Attributed to Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin

Here in Texas, the 2024 election cycle early voting begins next week, Monday, 21 October. There is so much going on and the attributed quote of Stalin does ring a resounding bell in this season. We just had a little kerfuffle in Texas with our Texas Secretary of State, who issued an election advisory permitting Limited Term ID holders, non-citizens, the ability to vote. Well, that advisory note survived for about 60 hours before the Texas SOS, Jane Nelson, a Republican, reversed course and sent out another advisory note…of course, after a national media blitz. Her new advisory stated that Limited Term ID holders could only vote if they had a naturalization card and/or certificate.

This leads to the first question in the title of this week’s missive…Who votes?

One would think this is a very simple question to answer, but some people are struggling with the correct answer. Only American citizens should be voting in our elections, at any and every level of governance. How can one justify anyone who has broken the laws of our sovereignty to be allowed to decide who makes, enforces, and adjudicates our laws? Yet, we have multiple examples of progressive socialists, ya know, those folks who claim sanctuary for those here illegally, offering the precious American privilege of electoral patronage. How can this be? One would think that any elected official who does not agree with and comprehends that only American citizens should vote is guilty of a high crime and misdemeanor, treason against our Constitutional Republic. Funny, the folks who reward illegals with the right to vote and the same ones who demonize constitutional conservatives, and of course Donald Trump, as threats to democracy…the hypocrisy is utterly laughable if the situation were not so dire.

When you allow illegals and non-citizens to vote in any of our elections, you disenfranchise rightful American voters, citizens, natural born and naturalized.

You just have to scratch your head when you hear about the U.S. Department of Justice suing the sovereign Commonwealth of Virginia for removing non-citizens from their voter rolls. The so-called top law enforcement officer in the Country, the Attorney General, is bringing legal action against a State for not allowing non-citizens to vote? Heck, how did those non-citizens get onto the voter rolls in the first place? This is clearly an unconstitutional action by the DOJ. Yes, add it to the list, but it is also a blatant attempt to usurp the rights of the Commonwealth of Virginia and an attempt to disenfranchise their voters.

Now, do not tell me about the 14th Amendment Equal Protection clause. The purpose of that clause was to ensure the recently freed Black slaves, 13th Amendment, which Democrats did not support, who had been granted citizenship and were protected. I, for one, am sick and tired of the misuse of this clause for ideological agendas like gay marriage.

The second of our three questions is vital. Who’s represented?

Leftists have gone apoplectic about having illegals counted in our census, along with them voting…and yep, it was the Democrats who were vehemently against the SAVE Act. What is the purpose of our ten-year census, which is mandated in our Constitution? It is for the goal of ensuring the proper representation of American citizens in the respective levels of elected officials through district apportionment. Leftists want these illegals counted so that they can have more opportunities in new districts. They realize what is happening: their failed Blue States are hemorrhaging population and, therefore, losing congressional representation.

Those who are here illegally, who have broken our laws, do not get the right to vote, nor should they be counted in the determination of our representative democracy.

Lastly, Who Counts?

Recently, in Dallas County and to our north in Collin County, we had the voting machines, tabulation and ballot scanner devices fail their Logic and Accuracy tests and hash validation…they are ES&S systems. I applaud Virginia Governor Youngkin for making the bold decision to direct hand-counted paper ballots…and for purging non-citizens from their voter rolls. Who is really behind the assessment of ballots? In Texas, we have what is called countywide voting. Who made the decision to move away from precinct-level voting, which is what I grew up watching my Parents do? Countywide voting was touted as providing ease and making it better for voters…beware anytime folks from the government say something they do is gonna make things better for you. I am reminded of this new phenomenon called Rank Choice Voting. Yep, it sucks.

Americans have to ask themselves these three pertinent questions, not just for this election cycle but going forward. We need to ask these questions of our elected officials and appointed bureaucrats…

  1. Who Votes?
  2. Who’s Represented?
  3. Who Counts?

If they fail to respond in a constitutional manner, then they should not be in a position of rule because they are not governing accordingly. The choice in this election is rather simple.

Who are the ones who want illegals and non-citizens to vote?

Who are the ones who want illegals counted in our census?

Who are the ones who play Lucy with the football when it comes to counting votes?

Okey dokey, class dismissed.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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