The Guarantee Clause


Allen West


October 9, 2024

“The United States (federal government) shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”

Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution

Greetings, everyone. It is imperative that going forward in this Nation, constitutional governance is restored. That is, truthfully, what this election is all about. It is not about someone’s personality or joy, certainly not about identity politics of having the “first something.” If we are a people who seek to be governed, not ruled, then we must demand that those seeking elected leadership in America do what their oath states, “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution of the United States.

When you read Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, you will find (18) enumerated duties, powers, roles, and responsibilities of the strongest branch of our federal government, the legislative branch. Sadly, we have devolved into a belief that a President can, by executive order, create a law. Nope. We think that judges can be activists and create laws. They are only supposed to interpret issues brought before them based on our actual rule of law.

One portion of the Constitution, a restraining document on the powers of the federal government, clearly articulates what the federal government must guarantee to every State…the Guarantee Clause.

As it is written above, the Guarantee Clause of the U.S. Constitution affirms, in no uncertain terms, that America is a Republic, a Constitutional Republic. I have scoured the Constitution and do not find any reference to a democracy. Yes, we do have a system of a Representative Democracy so that the voice of the people is heard…well, supposedly. We do not have a constitutional monarchy where an overpowering executive rules. We do not have a democracy because all voices are to be heard and represented—minority voices included. A Republican Form of Government does not mean the Republican party. It means a system of governance that respects, abides by and honors the rule of law. It is a system of governance that serves to protect individual rights, freedoms and liberties. The 10th Amendment is not that hard to comprehend, “The powers not delegated to the United States (federal government) by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In other words, anything above and beyond the (18) enumerated powers, duties, and responsibilities in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution are the purview and under the power of the States and the people. Plain speak: don’t go trying to tell me what type of car to drive, appliances to have, food to eat, and certainly not taking away my child for some insidious leftist ideological agenda.

The second part of the Guarantee Clause, which is directive in nature, spells it out on the issue of open borders. The United States (federal government) is to protect the respective States and their sovereignty, along with that of the Republic, from invasion. The Biden-HARRIS administration is in complete violation of the Constitution, and this constitutes an impeachable offense…a high crime and misdemeanor. The federal government is to protect every State in the Union from domestic violence, if not by the Application of the Legislature, then the Executive. And this nonsense about a Border bill that would continue to allow 5,000 illegal immigrants a day into our Republic was an unconstitutional bill.

Here in Dallas, in a very posh neighborhood, a single woman was followed home and abducted by four Hispanic men. She was taken into her residence, beaten, threatened with torture, and robbed. These four men were apprehended. All were Venezuelan and members of the violent Tren de Aragua gang…which is creating havoc and undermining our domestic tranquility (preamble of the constitution) in multiple American cities. They are here because the Biden-HARRIS administration disavowed the Guarantee Clause.

  • Laken Riley is dead because the Biden-HARRIS administration violated the Guarantee Clause.
  • Jocelyn Nungaray is dead because the Biden-HARRIS administration violated the Guarantee Clause.
  • Many other women and men have been killed and assaulted, including law enforcement officers, because the Biden-HARRIS administration violated the Guarantee Clause.
  • There are 300K children missing in America because Biden-HARRIS violated the Guarantee Clause.
  • There are 250K Americans dead from Fentanyl poisoning because the Biden-HARRIS administration violated the Guarantee Clause.
  • Human and sex trafficking is thriving in America because the Biden-HARRIS administration violated the Guarantee Clause.
  • There are terrorists and single military-age males hiding in the shadows in America because the Biden-HARRIS administration violated the Guarantee Clause.

I think you get the idea.

Oops, and Tim Walz is in violation by making his State a sanctuary for illegal immigrants and a haven for Islamic jihadists.

The leftists want us to believe that this election is all about dismembering babies in the womb up until the time of birth and not giving them life support even after birth. That’s barbaric, evil and heinous. They want us to believe that this election is about the rich paying their “fair share.” The American tax code is not supposed to be an ideological weapon of mass destruction aimed at a certain demographic.

What this election is truly about is those who have violated the Constitution and put your life and liberty at risk. I am sure the woman here in Dallas never believed that members of a criminal Venezuelan gang would abduct her at her own home.

Bad things happen when you elect people to positions of power and rule who will not abide by our rule of law, the Constitution, and guarantee to you what is directed to them. Easy choice. This is not about Republicans or Democrats but those who will subject you to an invasion and then tell you that you do not have the right to arm and defend yourself, ya know, that pesky Second Amendment thing.

You wanna Live Free? Then cast your vote based upon the rule of law, our Constitution, and for those who will adhere to the Guarantee Clause.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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