The Constitution Drinking Game


ACRU Staff


August 21, 2024

Greetings, everyone. Well, it is here, the moment we have all been waiting for: the Democratic National Committee convention. Yes, let’s all grab some popcorn, well, more like Maalox, Kaopectate, Pepto Bismol, and Tums. However, there is one fun thing we can all do this week: play the Constitution drinking game. Sorry, but the ole Colonel has never consumed alcohol in his life, so I will have to play this game with my favorite drink, a gallon jug of Milo’s Arnold Palmer.

We should all sit and be prepared to chug down our favorite drink whenever we hear someone speaking at the DNC say the word “Constitution.” And I mean referring to it as a revered document and speaking about the rule of law and individual rights. The great thing about playing the Constitution game with the DNC speakers is that chances are you will not get inebriated, and you can easily drive home without any concern about being pulled over by local law enforcement.

Leftists are not concerned about constitutional rights; they are only concerned about rights as defined by their ideology. I am still trying to understand what are women’s reproductive rights. We have heard leftists come up with healthcare rights, the right to own a home, trans rights, and illegal immigrant rights — to vote, get free cash and healthcare. It is as if they just make this stuff up as they go, but it is the result of careful poll testing of messages. But it has nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

When it comes to our Constitutional rights, well, if they are not aligned with leftist rights, then they are null and void. We do not have a right to free speech if our speech is not acceptable to leftists. We do not have a right to free expression if our expression is not acceptable to leftists. We do not have freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof, and churches should be shut down, but you can get a Big Mac. We do not have the freedom to choose the path of education for our children. We do not have the freedom to defend ourselves.

No, leftists are not going to be talking about the Constitution this week. You will probably hear them talk about democracy lots, but we, the informed, know that America is a Constitutional Republic. Funny, leftists did not embrace democracy when they decided to disavow the votes of millions of their own primary voters and install someone as their presidential nominee.

There has never been a clearer distinction between two competing philosophies of governance. As I wrote last week, leftists have a completely different perspective on the word liberty. And they certainly have a disdain for the document that embodies our Constitutional Republic. Ask yourself, when was the last time you have ever seen a leftist, aka Democrat, speak from the Constitution? Have you ever seen them quote from the Constitution as a means to find legislative solutions?

So, then, ask yourself, from whence do leftists draw their ideological convictions? Not the US Constitution.

Therefore, as we head into these critical days, ask yourself, from whence do you draw your ideological convictions? If you believe that you have no right to decide what type of car you can drive, food you can eat, or appliances you can have, then I know the perfect political party for you. And feel free to continue to follow the edicts of Karl Marx as listed in the Communist Manifesto.

But if you wish to hear mention of the U.S. Constitution more. If you understand the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, well, this is not a hard choice. This is not about voting for a person or a personality. This is about what you are voting for, your foundational beliefs, and your understanding of the relationship between the individual citizen and the institution of government.

Leftists see you as a subject…the Constitution empowers you as a Citizen.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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