The State Religion of the Progressive Socialist Left
Allen West
June 25, 2024
Howdy y’all, well, the State of Louisiana has the progressive leftists in an apoplectic meltdown; doesn’t take much for that to happen these days. My good friend, Governor Jeff Landry, with whom I served in Congress, signed into law that the Ten Commandments must be displayed in all schools. Now, what is wrong with that? Don’t ya think our children should be exposed to the basic fundamentals of Western civilization law? I mean, would leftists prefer we lived under Sharia law? Dang it, Allen, do not give those chuckleheads any ideas.
The Marxists are fit to be tied and screaming about the Separation of Church and State, which, just like America being a Constitutional Republic, they cannot understand. Separation of Church and State is not something you will find in the Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, or the Constitution of the United States. Nope, the concept of separation of church and state was proposed in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury (CT) Baptist Church. The Baptists were concerned that those pesky Presbyterians were getting a leg up in our fledgling government. Jefferson reassured the Baptists that there would be no state-sponsored religion, which translates to the first liberty in our Bill of Rights. That Congress would establish no religion and that we would have freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof.
And where did that lesson come from? Yep, ol’ King Henry VIIIth decided to create his own Church of England when the Catholic Church would not grant him a divorce. Henry made himself not just the head of state but the head of the church as well. Anyone who refused to assent to him (subjugate themselves) was prosecuted and persecuted, including his trusted advisor, Sir Thomas More. Sir Thomas was beheaded because he refused to recognize Henry as a spiritual King.
So, what really is angering the left in America? We dare to honor our Judeo-Christian faith and not fall down as subjects and acolytes to their religion. The funny thing, in the US House of Representatives, all the great lawgivers of the world, going back to Hammurabi, have a side face sculpture. However, there is only one lawgiver that looks directly to the Speaker’s rostrum, and that is Moses. Yes, the fella who descended from Mt Sinai with the Ten Commandments.
The left does not care about the rule of law, and certainly not God’s Judeo-Chrisitan faith heritage, Creator, law. As Marxists, they believe that religion, as ol’ Karl stated, is the opiate of the masses. And that insidious thing called faith gets in the way of them being in control, phooey on that Natural Rights theory stuff and being endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights. Leftists want to replace God with the big G with government, man, with the little g. That is part of the cultural Marxism that we currently are facing.
The left has made same-sex marriage a tenet of their religion; enough with that one man and one woman. Heck, they seek to redefine what a woman is. There is no such thing as mothers, just birthing persons. And you will be severely punished if you do not assent to the redefinition of marriage.
The left has made the dismemberment of babies in the womb part of their religion. Much the same as the Baal god Moloch, they condemn our little ones to death. And they refer to this as a right. Funny, all this talk about white supremacists and Planned Parenthood was founded by said white supremacist (racist) who referred to Blacks as undesirables and human weeds. If you dare stand outside a so-called “abortion” clinic, you could find yourself the recipient of an early morning wake-up from armed government agents.
Leftists have taken earth worship to a new level in their new religion. They now want us to believe that cow flatulence and other gas emissions affect the weather. Heck, God is not smart enough to be in control of weather patterns. Climate change is a driving fanatical aspect of their religion. Actually, I do believe in climate change—winter, spring, summer, and fall. It is hot in the summer. It is cold in the winter. Storms come in the spring, which is a transition season. And college football happens in the fall.
The next tenet of the left’s religion is transgenderism. Forget all that stuff about being made in the image of God; you can make yourself into any image you want. And that includes mutilating the bodies of our children, who cannot even legally get a tattoo. If you are a Doctor in Dallas, Texas and blow the whistle on UT Southwestern conducting illegal gender mutilation surgeries on children, well, the Biden DoJ will charge YOU with a crime. Make the mistake of referring to someone by other than their preferred gender or pronoun and, in some places in America, you can be charged with a crime.
Lastly, illegal immigration is part of the left’s religion. The left does not care about drug, sex, human, and terrorist trafficking; you will say nothing nor stop having millions of illegals enter our Republic, cities, and communities. Who cares that women are being raped and murdered, that are sacrifices upon the altar of illegal immigrants? Heck, you are repudiated for just saying those two words. And if you try to detain an illegal, and heaven forbid, stop them, you will be charged with a crime. If you are a sovereign state seeking to protect your border and citizens, you will have leftist courts filing lawsuits against you.
See, Separation of Church and State was intended to protect the Church from the State. Going back to the COVID fiasco, the first thing the state (government) sought to shut down was the Church. We cannot allow the leftist State to create their religion and demand that we become subjects to their evil designs. This is what Marxism is all about and why we must reject it.
Perhaps there is a reason why leftists (Marxists) have an unholy alliance with Islamic jihadists. They both demand subjugation under the punishment of persecution or death if not followed. Doubt that? Well, explain why the left in America is so very comfortable with marching in the streets in support of Hamas.
Sir Thomas More gave us the example to follow and resist. The words of Joshua in Chapter 24:15 say it all, “Choose for yourselves whom you shall serve, being the gods of the Amorites, or the gods from across the river. But for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Steadfast and Loyal.