Nursing Home Vote Fraud is Elder Abuse — ACRU Applauds Racine Wisconsin Sheriff’s Department
ACRU Staff
October 29, 2021
Naples, FL— The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) points to the shocking case in Racine, Wisconsin asmore proof that abuse of elderly and vulnerable voters is a nationwide problem. ACRU is the nation’s leading advocate for the protection of vulnerable voters.
ACRU President Lori Roman stated: “We applaud the Racine Wisconsin Sheriff’s Department for thoroughly investigating this complaint. And we are grateful to the family members of the elderly voters for the way in which they have stood up for their parents’ rights.”
“The press conference held by the Racine County Sheriff should be an example for law enforcement, district attorneys, and attorneys general across the country,” said Roman.
The American Constitutional Rights Union has been working to protect the votes of vulnerable voters since they launched their Protect Elderly Votes Project in 2019. The project has been expanded to protect disabled voters in residential facilities (www.protectelderlyvotes.org).
Former Secretary of State for Ohio and ACRU Action Board of Director Ken Blackwell notes, “We celebrate our patriotic seniors and the invaluable contributions they have made to the financial strength and fundamental freedoms we enjoy as Americans. In turn, we must take every action to ensure the integrity and intent of our seniors’ political choices at a time when they are at risk to be targets of vote fraud. Americans under 65 must demonstrate their gratitude for the continued guidance of our treasured seniors by protecting their votes.”
During the 2020 election season, ACRU worked across the nation to educate facility staff of their legal and moral obligations to residents, inform residents and their families of their rights and assist residents and family members in filing complaints. ACRU’s Senior Citizen Voter Bill of Rights has been used by many facilities across the country.
“ACRU’s Vote Fraud Hotline brought in many actionable tips for handling by ACRU’s legal team and staff in the 2020 election season. Unfortunately, abuse of vulnerable voters is widespread. ACRU is determined to put an end to it,” said Roman.
American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally protected civil rights of all Americans.