ACRU’s Blackwell: American Exceptionalism in Crosshairs of Radical Left
J. Kenneth Blackwell
April 13, 2021
ACRU’S Amb. Ken Blackwell is the face of today’s battle for liberty and the very essence of our rights — which are being chipped away by the left and their political allies.
As Amb. Blackwell notes in this brilliant piece, “Democrats’ Corrupt Politicians Act (aka “For the People Act”) pending in the Senate is a frontal assault on our Constitution’s federalist recipe for freedom, putting Congress in complete control of its own elections.”
ACRU’s Blackwell: American Exceptionalism in Crosshairs of Radical Left
J. Kenneth Blackwell
April 13, 2021
Source: ACRU’s Blackwell: American Exceptionalism in Crosshairs of Radical Left
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