ACRU Action Names Virginia Governor Ralph Northam “Crisis Tyrant of the Week”
ACRU Staff
May 4, 2020
media@theacru.org 877-730-2278
Northam takes advantage of a deadly national health crisis to enact a progressive agenda he couldn’t pass in normal circumstances.
Naples, FL— The American Constitutional Rights Union named Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) as its Crisis Tyrant this week, based on his arbitrary and excessive COVID-19 restrictions, and using a pandemic to pass laws that permanently harm the integrity of the Commonwealth and its residents.
“From the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Governor Northam demonstrated disdain for a secure election process and Constitutional protections. He seems to view the people of Virginia as his subjects rather than citizens,” says ACRU President Lori Roman.
In January, Northam’s attempts to pass draconian restrictions on law-abiding gun owners were met with massive protests in the state’s capital. In early 2020, he announced his wish list of liberal changes to the election process.
“Governor Northam has been trying to pass his progressive agenda since he was elected,” Roman continued. “After fierce opposition to his policies before the virus, he is now using pandemic fog to pass anti-freedom provisions hoping nobody will notice — but ACRU certainly did.”
Northam signed legislation removing vote security provisions such as voter photo ID and requiring a certified reason for absentee ballot requests—a precursor to unverifiable mail-only voting. The Governor signed bills exposing Virginians to rights violations under red flag laws and limited firearm purchases to an arbitrary one handgun a month.
Additionally, Northam’s March decision to force people to stay at home statewide until June 10 was made with no epidemiological data or medical rationale. He has so far refused to amend restrictions although at least half of the state’s 95 counties have fewer than 50 cases of COVID-19 and three counties have none.
Roman continued, “Northam deliberately made the stay-at-home order end on June 10, the day after the Congressional primary election. This will, of course, force a lower voter turnout, leaving many to speculate that he did so to make the case for universal mail in ballots in the future.”
Universal mail-in ballots have a high potential for fraud when delivered to a registered voter’s previous address of record with no idea if that person is still at that address, or even still living.
The U.S. Justice Department recently sided with a Virginia pastor and the Constitution in a case where local police—using Northam’s COVID-19 orders—fined the pastor for holding a socially-distanced service for 16 people in a church that holds nearly 300. The DOJ determined Northam’s orders could not supersede First Amendment protections and noted he was committing “unlawful discrimination.”
“It’s hard to keep track of all the Constitutional protections Northam is pillaging with his orders,” says Roman. “The Second Amendment, the rights to assembly and to petition government are taking a hit. Freedom of religion is also abridged as his orders have even led to pastors being cited for ‘drive-through church’ where everyone stays inside their own cars.
“Governor Northam thought he could slide his liberal, anti-Constitutional agenda under the public’s rug thanks to a compliant media and Virginians who are busy trying to stay medically and financially sound. His actions prove he has clearly made this cynical calculation. That alone is enough to designate him Crisis Tyrant of the Week,” she concludes.
The American Constitutional Rights Union Action Fund is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally-protected civil rights of all Americans.
This press release may be reprinted in part or in whole with proper attribution to the American Constitutional Rights Union Action Fund and its president, Lori Roman.
ACRU Action President Lori Roman is available to discuss the “Tyrant of the Week” at the above referenced contacts.