American Constitutional Rights Union Announces Protect Elderly Votes Project
ACRU Staff
April 30, 2020
media@theacru.org 877-730-2278
ACRU takes action on behalf of the nation’s seniors to protect their voting rights
Naples, FL— American Constitutional Rights Union honors and appreciates America’s seniors for the positive influences and tremendous sacrifices they have made to ensure the safety and security of our nation at home and abroad.
ACRU’s Protect Elderly Votes project, launched today, will work to protect seniors from those who may wish to defraud them of their vote, by providing resources and guidance for seniors, senior residence staff, and anyone assisting the elderly with their voting.
Nearly six months away from the next national election on November 3, 2020, many liberal governors are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to order changes to election policy that make voting less secure and increases the chance of widespread vote fraud. These changes include eliminating photo ID requirements for voters and universal vote by mail.
ACRU believes elderly voters in our communities may be at particular risk to be targets of vote fraud and ballot manipulation as many face unique challenges such as a decline in vision or hearing, mobility issues, or a move to new and unfamiliar residences.
Amb. J. Kenneth Blackwell, a member of the ACRU Policy Board and a former Secretary of State from Ohio, acknowledged the importance of protecting the votes of our elderly citizens, noting, “We must take every action to ensure the integrity and intent of our seniors’ political choices at a time when they are at risk to be targets of vote fraud. Americans under 65 must demonstrate their gratitude for the continued guidance of our treasured seniors by protecting their votes.”
“There are numerous instances of political activists appearing on the doorsteps or residential units of our seniors with offers to ‘help’ fill out and deliver voter registration cards as well as ballots. Many of these persons, unknown to the elderly voter, have been prosecuted for checking a box on the ballot that goes against the senior’s wishes,” says Lori Roman, ACRU President.
“Political activists may go door to door in areas with a high senior population to turn out the vote—this is entirely acceptable and even encouraged–but we must protect seniors from those wish to defraud them of their freely decided vote. ACRU has created the Senior Citizens Voter Bill of Rights to assist seniors in understanding their continuing right to vote, navigating registration procedures for a new voting location, as well as helping them recognize the signs of vote fraud,” stated Roman.
“We hope every American will join us in our crusade to protect elderly votes by visiting our website and learning about the unique challenges senior voters face, signing the Protect Elderly Votes petition and by sharing our critically important Senior Citizen Voter Bill of Rights. We also encourage use of our hotline to report possible fraud.
“We are all in this together for our great American seniors,” Roman concludes.
Protect Elderly Votes is a project of the American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally-protected civil rights of all Americans.
This press release may be reprinted in part or in whole with proper attribution to the American Constitutional Rights Union, Protect Elderly Votes and its president, Lori Roman. ACRU President Lori Roman and ACRU Policy Board Member Ken Blackwell are available to discuss the Protect Elderly Votes project at the above-referenced contacts.