ACRU lights a birthday candle to celebrate Citizens United decision


ACRU Staff


January 27, 2020

In 2009, ACRU issued an Amicus Brief urging the Supreme Court to find in favor of Citizens United and constitutional freedom in the case of Citizens United v. FEC. The case began in 2007 when a political movie about Hillary Clinton was blocked for distribution by liberal activists who didn’t like the subject matter and used the McCain-Feingold Act as a battering ram. The Supreme Court correctly decided in favor of Citizens United by applying Constitutional free speech provisions to ensure a broader, more level playing field for American political activity.
January 21, 2020 was the tenth anniversary of this landmark case, finalized in a 5-4 decision split along ideological lines with the more liberal justices on the Court arguing against free speech for any member of the public speaking through an entity. The framers of the Constitution made it clear that voters should fully briefed on both sides of any policy or political issue and at ACRU, we concur. We are grateful to Citizens United and David Bossie for bringing this critical Constitutional case before the Supreme Court of the United States.

Read David Bossie: Supreme Court ‘Citizens United’ decision still protects the First Amendment 10 years later



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