Democrats Should Put Up or Shut Up On Impeachment!


ACRU Staff


April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019 | Townhall
ACRU Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell

The Democrats are all hat and no cattle. It’s time they put up or shut up with their saber rattling over impeachment.
Liberal lawmakers and fake media pundits have publicly promoted the idea of impeaching President Trump ever since he won the 2016 election, concocting cockamamie theories that he colluded with Russia and obstructed justice.
Former U.S. Representative and current Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, for instance, has argued that President Trump “has already done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of impeachment.”
Last year, Senator Chuck Schumer insisted that the Democrats will impeach the President, saying, “the sooner the better,” but adding that they “gotta get a few Republicans” to join them first.
And, of course, there’s Rep. Maxine Waters, who is notorious for leading her followers in chants of “Impeach 45!”
The list goes on and on.
Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report has debunked their conspiracy theories, the Democrats have become even more vocal about impeachment.
“I think we have very good reason to believe that there is an investigation that has been conducted, which has produced evidence that tells us that this president and his administration engaged in obstruction of justice,” senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently said during a CNN town hall. “I believe Congress should take the steps toward impeachment.”
Mayor Pete Buttigieg, another 2020 Democrat, echoed this position, arguing that President Trump has “made it pretty clear that he deserves impeachment.”
What’s stopping them? They’ve already used their House majority to pass all kinds of ridiculous bills that have no hope of becoming law. Passing articles of impeachment would just be business as usual for Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats.
By now, every American has heard over and over again the repetitive liberal talking points about President Trump’s alleged transgressions. Rumor has it that some toddlers have been known to mumble the word “collusion” in their sleep. Yet no matter how many investigations conclude without finding a shred of evidence of collusion, the Democrats continue to cry wolf, again and again and again.
So what if Mueller didn’t find any evidence of actual collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government? So what if he didn’t have enough information to conclude that the President obstructed justice?
The Democrats passionately dismiss these factors as irrelevant, insisting that President Trump should be impeached anyway. Of course, when the shoe was on the other foot, and Democrat President Bill Clinton was being impeached for actual crimes, Democrats insisted that the whole thing was really just about sex.
If they’re so confident in the righteousness of their position, then failing to impeach Trump would be a gross dereliction of duty. Was all their impassioned rhetoric just so much empty posturing? Did Democrats deliberately try to shake public confidence in America’s governing institutions just to take down a political opponent? That’s certainly what it looks like.
The Democrats have given us more than two years of talk, but not a single moment of action when it comes to impeaching the President. Meanwhile, Americans are forced to endure the same hysterical liberal pundits, read the same fake headlines, and listen to the same regurgitated talking points from leading Democrat officials.
It’s time to put up or shut up. Democrats should either go ahead and try to impeach President Trump, or else get to work on the real business of governing.



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