ACRU's Susan Carleson Urges Grassley to Confirm Kavanaugh
ACRU Staff
September 21, 2018
ACRU Chairman and CEO Susan Carleson wrote to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley urging him to confirm SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh by October 1, 2018.
The letter reads:
September 21, 2018
Dear Chairman Grassley,
The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) protects the civil rights of all Americans by advancing a constitutional understanding of our essential rights and freedoms. We monitor and counter organizations that threaten our constitutional rights and promote election integrity, compliance with federal election laws, government transparency and constitutional government. To that end, the ACRU has a 15-year history of providing amicus support in key civil rights cases, including many election integrity cases, at the appellate and Supreme Court levels.
I write today to thank you for your strong leadership and encourage you to move forward to a prompt vote on the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
The Supreme Court confirmation hearing encompassed four straight days and 39 hours of deliberation, debate, and disruptive demonstrations. In addition to this exhuastive hearing, an unparalleled 1,278 written questions for the record went to Judge Kavanaugh, more than the combined number of written questions submitted to any prior nominee.
It is obvious why Judge Kavanaugh’s qualifications for the high court have been described as “well-qualified”—the highest rating from the American Bar Association. His more than 12 years of service on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D. C. Circuit have been exemplary. In fact, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Public have more information about Judge Kavanaugh’s record than any previous Supreme Court nominee.
The ACRU thanks you for your patience and leadership and encourages you and the Senate to move the Kavanaugh Nomination to a proper conclusion and install him on the United States Supreme Court by October 1, 2018.
Susan A. Carleson
Chairman and CEO
See the letter here.