Judge Rejects Dismissal, Grants ACRU Standing in Texas County Case


ACRU Staff


April 1, 2015

A federal judge has ruled that the American Civil Rights Union has standing to sue Zavala County, Texas, over its inflated voter registrations. The ACRU filed the lawsuit in March 2014, citing the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Motor Voter Law), which requires maintenance of accurate voter rolls.

District Judge Alia Moses of the U.S. Western District of Texas, Del Rio Division, on Tuesday issued a court order denying dismissal of the case, which the defendant, Zavala County, had sought. At the same time, the judge granted ACRU organizational standing to pursue the case, in which ACRU alleges that Zavala County has more registered voters than age-eligible citizens.

Read the order.

Read the complaint.

Read March 2014 press release.



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