ACLU Supports ACORN, Voter Fraud
ACRU Staff
July 27, 2009
The ACLU has filed suit in Pennsylvania in defense of ACORN for a declaration that a law there is unconstitutional for preventing the kind of voter fraud which is a hallmark of ACORN efforts nationally. In short, the ACLU claims that ACORN has a constitutional right to engage in its chosen form of voter fraud.
Some of the facts for this article, but not the legal conclusions, come from a press release by the ACLU itself. The release concerns the filing of a case by the ACLU in Pennsylvania to defend one aspect of ACORNs frequently fraudulent efforts to register non-existent people, aliens, and real people multiple times.
The laughter in the ACLU release begins in the first sentence, where it describes ACORN as “a community organization comprising more than 20,000 working families in Pennsylvania that utilizes voter-engagement strategies.” Anyone familiar with the recent history of ACORN knows that it is not composed entirely of working families, and that its modus operandi is to use bully tactics to extract maximum amounts of money from both government and private entities such as banks.
Experienced observers of ACORN know that it has been charged in about a dozen states with various aspects of voter fraud, including offering tens of thousands of false registrations as if they were true. Witnesses from inside ACORN have testified under oath that workers are given quotas of names to submit, and if they do not meet their quotas, they are fired. It is that quota system which has led directly to some of the most egregious convictions, such as the ACORN supervisor in Ohio who paid a voter petitioner with heroin, to bring in false registration forms to be filed with the state.
That brings us to the ACLU release and the case just filed. There is a Pennsylvania law which prohibits petition-gatherers from being paid by the signature by any organization. The obvious purpose of such a law is to prevent any organization, not just ACORN, from dumping tens of thousands of false signatures into the various election offices because the gatherers were acting in their own self-interest by their fraud. (Organizations ARE permitted to pay their workers per hour, week, whatever. Just not per signature.)
The lawsuit just filed claims that the prosecution of ACORN in Allegheny County for violating this Pennsylvania law violates ACORNs constitutional rights. ACORN, through the ACLU, claims that it is using “flexible productivity standards and goals to manage paid canvassers.” Repeated statements, both under oath in investigations and criminal trials, and in public and recorded by the press, show that ACORNs “flexibility” in its standards consists of telling signature-gatherers how many signatures to submit per day, if they want to keep their jobs.
The Legal Director of the ACLU in Pennsylvania, who is one of the attorneys on this case, said the law, “does nothing to prevent election problems but does impose a major burden on constitutionally protected political activity.” There is no mention of whether lightning came through the roof and struck him dead when he said this. Per signature payments to gatherers are at the heart of almost every criminal voter fraud case , everywhere in the nation, brought against ACORN.
The press release claims that “the Allegheny County Election Division requested that third-party-voter-registration groups such as ACORN submit all registration applications they collected, even those that were incomplete, inaccurate, or likely fraudulent, in order to prevent groups from collecting registrations and then not turning them in.” The idea that election officials anywhere in the nation would encourage any organization to turn in “likely fraudulent” signatures is absurd. Instead, it is the pattern of ACORN nationally to dump thousands of “Donald Duck” signatures in the laps of local officials at the last minute to clog the system and get at least some of the signatures through.
The level of apparent ACORN fraud is sufficient in most states to make up the 300 or so margin that put comedian Al Franken in the Senate from Minnesota.
The law suit just filed in Pittsburgh in US District Court, refers to “the careful training and quality control programs applied by ACORN’s Pittsburgh office, which reflected the organization’s standards nationally….” The ACLU claims that ACORN cooperated with the criminal probe there, and fired the offending employees. Since the ACLU has made the national efforts of ACORN an issue in the case, every investigation, charge and conviction of anyone associated with ACORNs voter registration efforts anywhere should be brought into this particular case. That way, the court will know that ACORN is not a “victim” of occasional employee defalcation. Instead, ACORN promotes and encourages these frauds and then throws the employee to the wolves whenever investigators get the goods on a specific employee.
This is a case that should be dumped by the court as soon as possible, with fees and costs charged against the attorneys filing the suit. Prohibitions like Pennsylvanias against this type of incentive payment have long since been ruled constitutional. This is a case intended to promote voter fraud, because the fraud benefits the desired political candidates of these two organizations.
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