ACRU’s Allen West on America’s First Liberty and the Importance of Freedom of Religion

By |2023-03-06T11:56:13-05:00March 14th, 2022|

As I speak across the country, I am often asked, “How do we get our country back on track?” My response is simple, “As the longest running constitutional republic in the history of the world, we need to get back to our fundamental principles and values.” America was established, not upon the absurd cultural Marxist tomfoolery of 1619, but upon a belief that the unalienable rights of the individual are endowed to them from a Creator God.

The Spirit of 1776

By |2017-06-30T10:32:30-04:00June 30th, 2017|

The fight for freedom is a never-ending battle, with threats from within and from abroad.

Let's Fight Tyranny

By |2023-03-10T08:04:32-05:00December 1st, 2016|

For more than a half-century, it has become abundantly clear that our nation faces increasing irreconcilable differences.

Liberal and Progressive Vision

By |2020-04-23T21:57:02-04:00October 22nd, 2015|

Liberals and progressives are making the argument that government is no longer a threat to our liberties and there is no longer a need to be able to protect ourselves. I'd like to see their evidence.

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