Two More Chances to Overturn Obamacare
For his next directive, will President Obama merge Cuba’s socialist health care system with Obamacare?
For his next directive, will President Obama merge Cuba’s socialist health care system with Obamacare?
This column by ACRU General Counsel Peter Ferrara was published on July 19, 2014 on
Last week, I discussed tax reform as the first component of a comprehensive agenda to restore booming economic growth, and the American Dream. This week, I will discuss a second essential component of such a growth restoration agenda: deregulation.
Global Cooling
Last week, I attended and spoke at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas, organized by the Heartland Institute, the world headquarters for skeptics of anthropogenic (human caused), catastrophic, global warming. The event was co-sponsored by 32 organizations, […]
This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight was published July 18, 2014 on The Washington Times website.
Attention, illegal-immigrant children, gang members and drug smugglers who are still pouring over the border into Texas:
If you’re looking for a place to stay while President Obama figures out a way to turn you all into welfare-dependent Democrats, I have just the place. Actually, several.
First, head for San Francisco. It’s beautiful this time of year. House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, recently proclaimed in Texas that not only was the border between Mexico and the United States meaningless (“It’s a community with […]
(Editor’s note: The following excerpt is from a column by Wesley J. Smith on on July 15, 2014.)
The wailing and gnashing of teeth over the very modest Hobby Lobby case shows that it was a precursor for the real game that is afoot: forcing those with religious beliefs against abortion and assisted suicide (among other “interventions”) to participate or get out of medicine. No conscience allowed.
Proof of the pending attack on religious liberty comes with an email I received (by accident, I am sure) from the ACLU of Washington trolling for clients to become litigants in lawsuits aimed at breaking […]
Congress has a chance to stop one of the worst examples of corporate favoritism and big government distortion of the free market. The Export-Impact Bank’s authority expires at the end of September. In a Memo for the Movement signed by ACRU President, Susan Carleson, the Conservative Action Project explains why Congress should reject a forthcoming bid by Senate liberals to keep alive this corruption-inducing agency.
The memo reads:
Current Event:
Corporate powerhouses and their allies in the Obama administration and Congress seek to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States before the Bank’s current authority expires at the end of September. The Export-Import […]
This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight was published July 11, 2014 on The Washington Times website.
TURNER, MAINE — They say the South is the friendliest place in America, and they’re probably right. The Midwest isn’t far behind, but the civility line defies latitudes or longitudes.
It comes down roughly to the difference between city and country folk — although exceptions abound. Across the USA and Canada, I’ve found that people outside core metropolitan areas are much more likely to initiate or respond to friendly entreaties.
On my family’s recent trip back to the D.C. area from Western Maine, we stopped at […]
This column by ACRU General Counsel Peter Ferrara was published on July 7, 2014 on
Before America dropped off the gold standard in 1971, long term real economic growth averaged nearly 4%. At that long term growth rate, our economic production would more than double after 20 years. After 30 years, GDP would more than triple. After 40 years, a generation, total U.S. economic output would nearly quadruple.
Nothing could be more important for the middle class, working people, and the poor, then reestablishing that long term rate of economic growth. Yet, Obama and his economic policies have America limping along at barely half […]
This column by ACRU Policy Board Member and Professor of Economics Dr. Walter E. Williams was published July 9, 2014 on
During last year’s budget negotiation meetings, President Barack Obama told House Speaker John Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.” When Boehner responded with “But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem,” Obama replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.” In one sense, the president is right. What’s being called a spending problem is really a symptom of an unappreciated deep-seated national moral rot. Let’s examine it with a few questions.
Is it moral for Congress to forcibly use […]
This column by ACRU Policy Board Member and Professor of Economics Dr. Walter E. Williams was published July 2, 2014 on
A couple of years ago, President Barack Obama, speaking on the economy, told an audience in Osawatomie, Kansas: “‘The market will take care of everything,’ they tell us… But here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It has never worked… I mean, understand, it’s not as if we haven’t tried this theory.” To believe what the president and many others say about the market’s not working requires that one be grossly uninformed or dishonest.
The key features of a free market system are private […]
This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight was published June 27, 2014 on The Washington Times website.
LEWISTON, MAINE — Like a bottle tossed in a faraway sea, Washington’s recklessness keeps washing up elsewhere, such as the great state of Maine.
The federal government’s refusal to enforce immigration laws has prompted Republican Gov. Paul LePage to take his own steps in this semirural New England state of about 1.3 million people.
Mr. LePage, whose colorful rhetoric often gets him into hot water, decreed that any Maine municipality that gives general-assistance money to illegal aliens will lose money for all general-assistance-aided programs.
With […]