ACRU Attorney Linda Kerns Speaks on Election Laws in Philadelphia
3/25: ACRU attorney Linda Kerns speaks the problems with election laws in Philadelphia.
3/25: ACRU attorney Linda Kerns speaks the problems with election laws in Philadelphia.
3/5: Former Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh has filed a brief opposed to the court-drawn redistricting map.
3/7: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s map likely fails its own gerrymandering standards, because it skews so heavily democratic. The map submitted by the ACRU had more compact districts and fewer political subdivision splits.
2/26: ACRU’s Policy Board member and senior fellow Ken Blackwell points out the clear bias on the part of Pennsylvania Democrats in the state's redistricting case.
2/20: Republicans are fighting a court-drawn Pennsylvania map that may endanger several of the GOP seats, citing problems with the process.
2/20: The American Civil Rights Union has submitted a map to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which by all accounts is superior to all other submitted maps.
The City of Brotherly Love has earned a reputation as a haven for vote fraud and election incidents that tarnish the idea of free and fair elections.
ALEXANDRIA, VA (April 4, 2016) The American Civil Rights Union has sued the city of Philadelphia, alleging that it is violating the National Voter Registration Act.
Read the complaint. (PDF 5.2MB)