Williams: Liberally Accepted Racism
12/12: ACRU Policy Board member and Professor of Economics Dr. Walter E. Williams discusses why liberals are so willing to accept certain types of racism.
12/12: ACRU Policy Board member and Professor of Economics Dr. Walter E. Williams discusses why liberals are so willing to accept certain types of racism.
8/10: As the Left gained control of the commanding heights of culture and increasingly business across the nation, the new liberal philosophy became freedom for me but not for thee.
3/7: ACRU Policy Board member and Professor of Economics Dr. Walter E Williams explains how embracing liberal values has led to an uptick in violence.
The proffered solution of the Bergdahl progressives to any and all inequality is to make America more like the rest of the world, not less.
They claim creating an election integrity commission is a way to advance voter suppression.
Because of its shrillness and excess parodying the left is nearly impossible.
Under any level of responsible scrutiny, the attacks on Secretary Blackwell fall apart.
For the cranky, busybody left, minding your own business is no longer an option.
The real political demons are the liberals who have done so much harm to American liberty and security.
For those who see Marx as their hero, there are a few historical tidbits they might find interesting.