“Manipulation Not Constitution” for Oklahoma activist group

By |2023-03-06T12:11:49-05:00February 16th, 2020|

People Not Politicians is a progressive group trying circumvent Constitutional redistricting power that resides in the majority party of a state (as upheld by SCOTUS.) But never mind the “Supremes,” PNP is pushing state lawsuits to create an “independent” (ha!) citizen’s commission to determine redistricting. Their first lawsuit was shot down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, so they now going for round two. Just the beginning of this movement, so stay tuned.

Redistricting; reapportionment, we can’t call the whole thing off

By |2023-03-06T12:11:56-05:00January 28th, 2020|

If you sometimes are befuddled by the intersection of the census, redistricting and reapportionment—what each means, how they all talk to each other—don’t feel bad; it is confusing. This article uses Pennsylvania as a demonstration of what census numbers mean for redistricting (“how areas will be divided into districts based on the number of seats a state has”) and reapportionment (“the process of deciding how many seats a state will have in the House of Representatives based on changes in population.”) Things that don’t need explanation: census collection will be infiltrated by liberal activists looking to skew Congressional districts in their favor.

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