Allen West: America’s Unique Freedom

By |2023-03-06T11:55:56-05:00June 2nd, 2022|

Consider the events of April 19, 1775 at a place called Lexington Green in Massachusetts. As the British landed and were marching inland towards Concord for the purpose of destroying a weapons and armaments factory, men of valor prepared and answered the call to arms. The British military was the most powerful land force the world knew. Yet, those Sons of Liberty knew there was something at stake: liberty from tyranny. And so, they took the field of Lexington Green and fired the shot that was heard around the world.

Allen West: The Left — Conform or Else

By |2023-03-06T11:56:08-05:00April 6th, 2022|

Recall the theme of Joe Biden's presidential address, "Unity”. Well, that was a bunch of bovine excrement, as we would say here in Texas. The real theme of Biden's speech, and the mantra of the progressive socialist left is "conformity". And if you actually paid attention to Biden's address you would have surmised the consequences and ramifications of non-conformity. Simply stated, you will be disparaged, denigrated, demeaned, arrested, targeted, and unconstitutionally detained.

How Florida Deals with COVID — Treating People Like Adults

By |2023-03-06T11:59:18-05:00January 7th, 2022|

Florida has this COVID situation figured out. As we’ve known for quite some time, COVID in one form or another is here to stay, kind of like colds and flus, so we better learn to live with it. Mandates and lockdowns won’t work for the next 100 decades. Florida treats adults like, well, adults. If you’re vulnerable take precautions. If you want to get vaccinated, do it. If you don’t, any risk is yours. Just like everything else in life. In short, be responsible for yourself and your own. Just the way it should be.

ACRU’s Lori Roman: Freedom or Future?

By |2023-03-06T12:06:25-05:00May 20th, 2021|

Politicians and bureaucrats have decided that they can wave a magic “COVID” wand and make constitutional rights disappear. College students have been among those hit hardest by the edicts. Many students have been forced to choose between medical choice and privacy and their continued education.

The COVID Passport: Fascism at Hand

By |2023-03-06T12:06:31-05:00May 4th, 2021|

Is the COVID passport the scariest idea of them all? Think about this. It's the first "real" mandated program, run by the government, "allowing" and "denying" behavior based on personal attributes private to... you. You've noticed how the tech companies collect data subversively and just happen to show you that new ad for a (fill in the blank) just minutes after you looked at something similar somewhere on the internet. Now apply that concept to your not-very-trustworthy government and think about how the passport can be used to collect all manner of information about your beliefs, actions, purchases and who knows what else. Scary stuff...

Liberty Is Not for Wimps

By |2020-04-23T21:56:53-04:00March 15th, 2017|

The bottom line is that it takes a bold person to be for personal liberty, because you have to be able to cope with people saying things and engaging in voluntary acts that you deem offensive.

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