Crisis Tyrant Maniac Throws Hot Coffee on Unmasked Donut Customer

By |2023-03-06T11:59:15-05:00January 22nd, 2022|

Crisis Tyrants aren’t always elected officials or government employees puffed up with newfound power. Sometimes Crisis Tyrants are "morally superior” men and women on the street, crazed with hysteria, who are taking policies into their own hands. This COVID morality police warrior passed judgment by throwing hot coffee on an unmasked citizen. OK then.

Without POTUS Cover, Companies Are Ditching Vaccine Mandates

By |2023-03-06T11:59:16-05:00January 15th, 2022|

With air cover from the White House no longer available, companies are suddenly re-thinking their commitment to mandate employee vaccination as a requirement for continued employment. Facing crippling labor shortages, reality is setting in, and many big companies are “putting on pause” the planned rollout of their vaccination mandate policies. It’s funny how reality has a way of interfering with woke virtue signaling.

It’s Illegal to Ration COVID-19 Treatments Based on Race

By |2023-03-06T11:59:18-05:00January 12th, 2022|

In New York, officials have made drugs automatically available only to people who meet one of several eligibility criteria, which include being “nonwhite.” In Minnesota, the Department of Health is “deprioritizing access” to treatment for Americans who happen to be Caucasian.

How Florida Deals with COVID — Treating People Like Adults

By |2023-03-06T11:59:18-05:00January 7th, 2022|

Florida has this COVID situation figured out. As we’ve known for quite some time, COVID in one form or another is here to stay, kind of like colds and flus, so we better learn to live with it. Mandates and lockdowns won’t work for the next 100 decades. Florida treats adults like, well, adults. If you’re vulnerable take precautions. If you want to get vaccinated, do it. If you don’t, any risk is yours. Just like everything else in life. In short, be responsible for yourself and your own. Just the way it should be.

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