Open Letter from Physicians to Universities: Allow Students Back Without COVID Vaccine Mandate

By |2023-03-06T12:06:26-05:00May 15th, 2021|

On behalf of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, I am writing to ask you to reconsider your new policy mandating COVID-19 vaccination of students prior to returning to campus.[i] Institutions of higher learning are divided on this issue.[ii] ,[iii] Although, at first glance, the policy may seem prudent, it coerces students into bearing unneeded and unknown risk and is at heart contrary to the bedrock medical principle of informed consent.

The COVID Passport: Fascism at Hand

By |2023-03-06T12:06:31-05:00May 4th, 2021|

Is the COVID passport the scariest idea of them all? Think about this. It's the first "real" mandated program, run by the government, "allowing" and "denying" behavior based on personal attributes private to... you. You've noticed how the tech companies collect data subversively and just happen to show you that new ad for a (fill in the blank) just minutes after you looked at something similar somewhere on the internet. Now apply that concept to your not-very-trustworthy government and think about how the passport can be used to collect all manner of information about your beliefs, actions, purchases and who knows what else. Scary stuff...

New Jersey’s Needs a Civil Rights Lesson: No mask? No Vote!

By |2023-03-06T12:06:32-05:00May 1st, 2021|

Talk about voter suppression... New Jersey Governor Philip D. Murphy: ‘I think if you refuse to wear a mask, we’re not letting you in. It’s that simple.’ The NJ governor needs a refresher on civil rights as he's treating American's most fundamental civil rights like privileges. Will his tyrannical thinking expand to vaccinations?

Ron DeSantis, Florida governor, executive order to ban ‘vaccine passports’

By |2023-03-06T12:06:41-05:00April 7th, 2021|

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a national lead in opposing a federal takeover of your private life and personal decisions through a “vaccine passport.” The Governor issued an Executive Order banning this encroachment on more rights than we can count. We hope other governors follow his lead in defending the Constitution and their constituents and that the Florida legislature turns the language in this executive order into some strong legislation.

School Choice Is Coming to Union Stronghold West Virginia

By |2023-03-06T12:06:43-05:00March 31st, 2021|

On March 18, the West Virginia Senate passed a landmark education bill to create the nation's largest education savings account (ESA) program, which would let parents withdraw their children from public schools and allow them to take the funds that would have been spent by the state and spend them on private school tuition, tutoring, or homeschooling expenses.

University of Nebraska Cornhuskers shuck the Constitution with COVID testing demands

By |2023-03-06T12:06:48-05:00January 13th, 2021|

** Press statement and Media Availability **


University of Nebraska Cornhuskers shuck the Constitution with COVID testing demands

American Constitution Rights Union says University of Nebraska Chancellor Ronnie Green must rescind mandatory COVID testing and restore students’ freedom and privacy

Naples. FL—On January 13, American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) asserts that the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers have shucked the Constitution. ACRU sent a letter to University of Nebraska Chancellor Ronnie Green demanding he rescind unconstitutional and invasive mandatory COVID-19 testing on UN-Lincoln campus and restore students’ rights to freedom of movement and medical privacy.

On December 9, 2020—nearly a month after students chose either […]

ACRU Letter to Chancellor Green, University of Nebraska-Lincoln re: Drastic COVID Measures

By |2023-03-06T12:06:49-05:00January 13th, 2021|

January 13, 2021

Chancellor Ronnie Green
Office of the Chancellor
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1400 R Street
Lincoln, NE 68588

Re: Enhanced COVID Safety Measures for Spring 2021

Dear Chancellor Green:

I am writing on behalf of American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) in conjunction with Students for Liberty, which has an organized student chapter on your campus and on campuses around the world. ACRU is an organization committed to defending the constitutional rights of every American, including students. As you are aware, as a public institution, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is obligated to act within the confines of the Constitution and protect the rights of every one of the students it serves.

We were recently contacted by […]

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