The First Unalienable Right — Life

By |2024-04-10T09:02:12-04:00April 10th, 2024|

Let's all lift this Nation up in prayer that it will produce leaders who do not operate in the realm of fear but stand upon that which is right, moral, and just. No one can convince me that a policy of dismembering babies in the womb is any of those. Our Constitutional Republic will not reach its full potential and strength if we do not embrace our first unalienable right, Life, for the unborn and born.

New Rule Introduced by Unelected Global Body Will Impact Every Firearm Purchased in US with a Credit Card

By |2023-03-06T11:35:52-05:00September 15th, 2022|

New rules being accepted by credit card companies will allow all gun shop purchases made with a credit card to be tracked as such. The International Organization for Standardization, an international body, announced Friday that it was creating a new merchant code for gun shop sales. Such stores had formerly been classified as dealers in “general merchandise,” according to Fox Business.

Does the Progressive Socialist Left Read the Constitution?

By |2023-03-06T11:36:17-05:00June 28th, 2022|

This is a very tumultuous and critical time in the life cycle of our Constitutional Republic. It was just a few weeks ago that I penned a missive titled "Constitutional Rights vs Ideological Rights” for this conservative platform. Who would have ever thought how quickly that writing would come to fruition? I must admit, after last week's apoplectic meltdowns by the progressive socialist leftists I have to wonder if they have ever read the Constitution of these United States of America?

Constitutional Concepts: It’s My Right!

By |2023-03-06T12:05:24-05:00September 15th, 2021|

If you have the “wrong” opinion on healthcare, school lunch menus, or whether the M-5000 BlasterTank should be funded in next year’s military budget, you’re a racist. Those who wear uniforms and face-covering hoods, while demanding others repeat “correct think” phrases under threat of violence cluelessly call other people Nazis and fascists — and with a straight face. And rights? Anything coveted by more than one woke individual is now a “right.” Listening to the nightly news and politicians’ bloviation, one might think it’s protecting its citizens from themselves. Perhaps the purpose of government is to provide for national security. Or maybe it’s providing a safe, stable, and level playing field for its citizens. Some believe government’s role is to provide for the national welfare, whatever that means. Looking at a founders’ view of government, the purpose is to protect the natural rights of those who elect to be governed.

Gun owners win the day in Richmond

By |2023-03-06T12:11:59-05:00January 27th, 2020|

Despite efforts by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to dishonestly paint lawful gun owners as lunatics and white supremacists, the truth won out in Virginia's capital on Monday, January 20th. Since taking over state government last November, Virginia Democrats have proposed no fewer than 87 gun ownership restrictions. Northam designated "rally square" as gun free, so gun owners cheerfully rallied on the streets outside the cordoned area-with their guns. Northam designated gun owners as a "threat"-so they cheerfully defended their rights with no negative incidents. Thanks to everyone who showed up to defend our freedom and proved once again that the safest place in America is beside a good guy or gal with a gun. Thanks to all the gun owning ladies and their signs noting, "Gun Rights are Women's Rights."

Keep your weapons at home: Virginia governor plans to ban guns from gun rights rally

By |2023-03-10T08:04:27-05:00January 27th, 2020|

After years of a significant demographic shift in northern Virginia (and some meddling by outsiders like Michael Bloomberg), Democrats took control of the House of Delegates and State Senate in November 2019 while Democrat Governor Ralph Northam (notorious for his statement that a mother should determine whether her baby lives or not after birth, and for escaping any consequence from his "black face" scandal) has set his sights (irony) on lawful gun owners as enemy number one. As January 20th Virginia Lobby Day approached, thousands of law abiding gun owners headed to Richmond to inform legislators about the Second Amendment. Northam then banned guns in the government areas of Richmond in a state with open carry. With Soros' funded Antifa on its way, Northam stripped the responsible and law abiding of defensive weapons, even with reports of potential bad guys (who don't obey laws) possibly in attendance. Virginia's governor, by tyrannical fiat, endangered his citizens by stripping rights he had no right to strip. The media? Crickets. Jefferson, Madison, Washington and Monroe must be collectively rolling in their patriotic graves.

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