New York Times Runs False Article about John McCain's Citizenship

By |2008-02-28T12:10:36-05:00February 28th, 2008|

This morning (28 February, 2008) the New York Times ran an article by

Carl Hulse, entitled, “McCain’s Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About

Whether that Rules Him Out.” The article spends 21paragraphs getting sweaty

palmed over whether John McCain is eligible to be elected President, since

he was born outside the mainland United States.

The article begins, of course, with the requirement in the Constitution

that to be President a person must be a “natural born Citizen.” The

Constitution also requires that President be “thirty five Years” old, and

“fourteen years a Resident within the United […]

Horace Cooper to talk about FISA

By |2008-02-07T00:54:19-05:00February 7th, 2008|

Horace Cooper will be on the Sean Patrick Show from 8:20am EST on February 7. The show can be heard on WOC 1420AM in the Quad Cities.

ACRU Senior Fellow Horace Cooper: No time to go wobbly

By |2008-01-25T12:12:59-05:00January 25th, 2008|

Senior Fellow Horace Cooper has an op-ed in today’s Washington Times, where he argues for renewing FISA.

Says Cooper,

It’s been six years since the odious attacks of September 11 and even though there is an understandable amount of complacency settling in, as Margaret Thatcher warned the first President Bush, it’s “no time to go wobbly.” It is essential that our policy-makers at home drown out the scare tactics of leftist groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). We absolutely must do so in order to make sure that we stay ever vigilant and protect our citizens domestically.

ACRU Senior Fellow Ken Blackwell: "Reauthorize FISA"

By |2008-01-24T19:09:18-05:00January 24th, 2008|

In today’s New York Sun, Senior Fellow Ken Blackwell wrote a column arguing Congress should reauthorize FISA.

Says Blackwell,

We are at war. Destroying two skyscrapers and part of our military headquarters are not just criminal acts. Killing 2,973 people in a planned attack is not just a criminal act. These are acts of war. While law enforcement is to maintain harmony within our culture, war is to protect our culture from being eradicated.

Senior Fellow Ken Blackwell on the DC Gun Ban Case

By |2008-01-17T11:06:11-05:00January 17th, 2008|

Senior Fellow Ken Blackwell wrote this column for where he makes the argument that the Justice Department betrayed us with the amicus brief it filed in the DC Gun Ban case, to be heard by the Supreme Court this term.

Says Blackwell of the US Government’s apparent desire to split up gun rights:

The problem with splitting a baby in half is that the baby usually dies. If our rights can be regulated to the point that we can’t exercise them in our own homes, then they’ve been regulated out of existence.

Information on this case, DC v. Heller, can be found […]

Rob Bluey column on Indiana Voter ID Case

By |2008-01-07T16:34:44-05:00January 7th, 2008|

Rob Bluey, a columnist at wrote the following column Sunday on the upcoming Indiana Voter ID Case being heard Wednesday, January 9th. This is following ACRU Senior Fellow Kenneth Blackwell’s column in the New York Sun.

Rob talked about, among other points, that the left claims requiring an ID will reduce voter turnout. Says Bluey,

Claims of disenfranchisement have been rebutted in numerous studies of voter ID requirements. The most recent, a statistical analysis completed by The Heritage Foundation in September, flatly concluded that voter ID laws don’t depress voter turnout.

According a poll quoted in Bluey’s column, 77% […]

Local court battle over protesting at soldiers' funeral begins

By |2020-04-23T21:53:05-04:00November 5th, 2007|



Security was tight Monday as a Kansas woman appeared in Sarpy County Court to answer charges that she mutilated a flag and put her child in danger while protesting at the funeral of a Bellevue soldier.

Although the Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office prepared for a possible protest by members of the Westboro Baptist Church, to which Phelps-Roper belongs, none materialized. Shirley Phelps-Roper, 50, came into the courthouse in the company of just a few family members and her attorney to push for more specifics on the charges she faces.

According to Bellevue Police, Phelps-Roper had her 10-year-old […]

Slimming Entitlement Costs

By |2023-05-20T09:40:54-04:00October 8th, 2007|

This article originally appeared in link

FEDERAL SPENDING HAS HOVERED around 20% of gross domestic product for more than 50 years now, ever since it settled down after World War II. Despite all the battles over taxes and spending in that time, the federal share of our economy has remained fairly stable.

That will change quite dramatically without fundamental reform of our nation’s entitlement programs. The latest long-term projections of the Congressional Budget Office estimate that federal spending will soar, reaching close to 40% of GDP over the next 40 years, primarily owing to exploding costs for Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. Add […]

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