The Rules of Radicals


Allen West


October 29, 2024

Many times, people ask me about a reading list, and one of the books I recommend is Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Alinsky’s rantings are truthfully the playbook of leftists. Funny, he was also from Chicago. You can see this playing out currently as another so-called son of Chicago, Barack Hussein Obama, hits the road in the election cycle. It is all about the politics of personal destruction, targeting, coercion, intimidation, threats, and ultimately violence. It follows right with the schemes of Karl Marx and all of his acolytes that the world has had to endure. And now, it has firmly taken root here in our Constitutional Republic.

Benjamin Franklin asserted to Mrs. Powell back on 17 September 1787 after the signing of our Constitution when asked what is it we have, a Republic or a Monarchy. His response was, “A Republic if you can keep it.” Sadly, years later, it would be Joe Biden who would stand before that iconic building where our Nation was birthed and its foundation and rule of law was established and embrace the rules of radicals as he demonized Americans. And it continues to this day.

I find it offensive, condescending, and desperate that anyone would castigate Americans who reject a progressive socialist, Marxist, ideological agenda as Nazis. It also evidences the left’s ignorance because “Nazi” stood for National Socialist. And as an American Black conservative, who’s Dad fought against Nazi Germany in World War II, it is highly disturbing that this is the left’s line of attack. Then again, Joe Biden has already declared that I ain’t black since I did not vote for him — another example of leftist radicalism. How did we get to this point?

Simply put, no one would willingly accept leftist progressive socialist policies. As we have seen in the past, and in this present, they always fail. They are policies rooted in centralized control and negate (actually dismiss) any idea of individual rights, freedoms, and liberties that do not align with their ideological agenda. Leftism, once realized, can only be forced upon people to accept. And the rules of radicals utilize the maxims “by any means necessary” and “the ends justify the means.” Those means, referring to political opposition in the most disparaging and demeaning terms is their mantra. It is all about reducing any sense of the humanity of your political opposition. As Obama once said, “You have to punish your political enemies.” That was acceptable to the left because if you stand against them, you do not deserve any recognition or humanity. That was the crux of the message delivered by Joe Biden in Philadelphia before our symbol of independence and constitutional governance. It is now the course of action by one Kamala Harris as she realizes that her policy agenda, lofty rhetoric of “joy” and “aspiration,” has been unsuccessful.

The rule of radicals is to hold onto power and use any method to do so. That means if you believe in the U.S. Constitution, Natural Rights theory, constitutional governance, deciding what is best for your children, protecting our national sovereignty, preserving life, not exposing your children to sexual deviants, and deciding for yourself what to eat, drive, and have as appliances in your home…you are a Nazi and extremist.

What it truly means is that we know who the real fascists and dictators are, and they do not like that you have taken the red pill and no longer willingly live in the Matrix.

This election is less about Republican and Democrat; it is about the rule of law, individual rights, freedoms, and liberties. It is about the relationship between government and the individual citizen. It is about rejecting the rules of radicals, withstanding and persevering through their insidious attacks that are a real reflection of desperation and the potential of losing.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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