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Real and Current Threats to Our Democracy


Allen West


March 7, 2024

Before anyone’s head explodes, I firmly realize that America is a Constitutional Republic with a representative democracy as our means of giving citizens a voice. The only reason that I chose this title is because I want to deconstruct the idiocy of the progressive socialist left, the Marxists. Truth be told, anyone who does not accept the leftist ideological agenda will be branded — literally if they could — as a threat to democracy. As stated, we should take it as a badge of honor when leftists accuse you of such. They are dog-whistling you to say that you are a threat to them, and their fundamental transformation of America into a doggone socialist, Marxist, hell hole. Let’s not forget that Venezuela was once a beautiful, thriving, prosperous country in our hemisphere. Enter one Hugo Chavez, and the rest is history. That is what a socialist economic model of wealth redistribution, nationalization of economic production, welfare state establishment and expansion, social egalitarianism (equity), and secular humanism (moral relativism) always produces.

The whole Marxist mantra of “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need” is the greatest threat to individual liberty, property, and determination.

And so it goes with the progressive socialist left, they are a threat to our economic prosperity, safety, and security. What type of brain-dead cretin seeks to be the leader of a country, then undermines the national sovereignty of said nation, Republic?

So when you hear leftists denigrate, disparage, demean, and intentionally demonize you as a “threat to democracy,” just know that the person expressing such is the real enemy.

The leftists, aka Democrat party, are the ones who wish to stack the Supreme Court. They feel that judicial positions exist to affirm their ideological agenda, not interpret the law. Leftists go from one deranged ranting to another when it comes to the SCOTUS. When the SCOTUS rules incorrectly on Texas having the right to protect and defend its citizens from illegal immigration, leftists laud the court. When the SCOTUS decides to take up a case on Donald Trump’s immunity, or decide against the absurdity of a State using the 14th Amendment Section 3, insurrection clause as a means to remove Donald Trump from the ballot, leftists screech about how bad the court is . . . referring to them as a MAGA court. See, leftists prefer MASA, Make America Suck Again. When SCOTUS justices rule against the sacred cow of the left, dismembering babies in the womb aka Roe v. Wade, they assail and threaten SCOTUS justices, and justify it, including a Democrat Senate leader, Chuck Schumer. I would think that qualifies as a threat to democracy.

Leftists, led by their supreme Marxist leader, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, aka head jackass, want to rid the Senate of that silly thing called the filibuster. They want to have the US Senate operate just like the US House of Representatives, by simple majority vote. Now, of course these tyrants only advocate for this when they are in the majority, not when in the minority. This is one of the firm established regular order rules of the US Senate. But hey, nothing should stand in the way of these progressives and their thirst for totalitarian control. In essence, nothing should stand in the way of those who are the real threats to our democracy.

But nothing more clearly confirms that these delusional, and dangerous, Democrats, leftists, are the real threats to our democracy than the issue of illegal immigration and their open borders policy. What is truly reflective of their treason, lawlessness, and disregard for our Republic is their desire to allow illegal immigrants to vote in our elections . . . and I don’t care if it is for PTA leadership. Illegal immigrants are not citizens of this Republic, they have no right to vote. Voting in American elections is a privilege extended to our citizens. Heck, being in America is a privilege extended to natural born Americans, naturalized Americans, green card holders seeking to be naturalized Americans, and tourists.

Granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants enables them to be registered to vote, based upon the 1996 Bill Clinton Motor Voter Law . . . How prescient devious. Talk about a threat to our democracy, leftists want illegals to be counted in the US Census. The constitutional purpose of the census is to ensure correct representation in our legislative branch. Counting illegals in our census skews representation to the benefit of the progressive socialist left. Talk about a real replacement theory.

See, leftists do not believe in our three branches of government. They believe in the three branches of rule — media, academia, and the courts. Another example of replacement theory, and they will leverage the courts to achieve their means, such as denying Donald Trump from being a presidential candidate . . . a clear and present danger, and example of leftists being a threat to our democracy.

Always remember, what the left is accusing you of being, it is because they are doing it . . . we did a video monologue about that topic.

I wish that constitutional conservatives would be a bit more savvy, and aggressive, and put the left on their heels. It is time we stop allowing the Marxists to define the narrative. They are the greatest threats to our Republic and its fundamental principles of individual rights, freedoms, and liberty.

We here at the American Constitutional Rights Union will be relentless in going on the offense against the true threat to our rights and freedoms . . . the progressive, socialist, Marxist, left, along with their societal accomplices, like the media. We will do so without fear as we know that we stand on what is right, our US Constitution, our rule of law.

I challenge you to join us and embrace our motto, “Live Free.”

Steadfast and Loyal.



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