They Serve Us . . . Who Will Protect Them?
Allen West
August 3, 2022
Our men and women who serve in our Armed Services are the best we have to offer in America. They are willing, it is an all volunteer force, to surrender their personal liberties, freedoms, and safeguard our nation from threats. They deploy and leave their families and are willing to make the “last full measure of devotion” to us, the American people. They serve and protect us in the harshest of conditions, I know, I was honored to serve beside them. But the question has to be asked, who will protect them from the dangers of insidious policies that threaten them?
Case in point, let us never forget that the whole federal government vaccine mandate, which was unconstitutional, was born out of the debacle in Afghanistan. Today very few remember the 13 Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors who unnecessarily lost their lives due to strategic, operational, and tactical incompetence. But, in order to shift the narrative, the Biden administration created the distraction of vaccine mandates, and the cooperative, complicit, media establishment was willing to enable this narrative shift.
Along that line came the unethical, immoral, and unlawful order for all members of our military to take an experimental drug that was under an emergency use authorization. There were those who submitted religious exemptions that were dismissed or denied, resulting in discharges of perfectly healthy members of our military. Some were told they would receive dishonorable discharges, which has severe ramifications such as never being able to own or purchase a firearm.
However, just last month this revelation came, Dr. Deborah Birx said that she was aware early on that the COVID vaccines “were not going to protect against infection.” She also, while claiming they still protect against severe illness and death, astonishingly admitted that the vaccines had been “overplayed” in the fight against COVID. Here’s the relevant quote: “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” Birx told Fox News host Neil Cavuto. “And, I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let’s be very clear: 50 percent of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older and vaccinated.
So where is the immediate reversal of those who are being persecuted, prosecuted, and discharged for something that a senior COVID policy advisor admits was not effective? Matter of fact, right now we have members of our Armed Services, namely the National Guard, who are having their pay and benefits cut for not taking the shot. That means essential healthcare benefits are being eliminated for their families.
They serve us, who protects them?
We are less than 100 days away from the critical midterm elections. We still have issues with absentee ballots for our military members. Here at the American Constitutional Rights Union we have an initiative to protect military voting.
Protect Military Votes is a project of the American Constitutional Rights Union designed to encourage military voting and ensure all votes cast by members of the United States military and their family members are counted—and honored. The mission of Protect Military Votes is to protect the votes of those protecting us. There have been numerous cases of military ballots mishandled by local election officials, and we believe these votes should be honored with the highest level of efficiency and integrity.
In the last midterm election, 2018, only 26 percent of our military voted, currently only 61 percent of our military is registered to vote. Most disconcerting, 6 percent of military ballots are rejected because they are returned late . . . meaning they were probably mailed out late.
ACRU believes that we must protect those who serve us, and we need your voices to amplify that message. The members of our military surrender certain rights and privileges to serve and protect us. We owe them increased devotion to protect them, and especially, their electoral patronage.
Steadfast and Loyal.