Perhaps you remember the song “Teach the Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. In the perspective of the progressive socialist left the word ‘teach’ is replaced with ‘indoctrinate’. I find it interesting that the first person to introduce the idea of state control of education was one Karl Marx. With the rise of power of the leftist teachers’ unions we are witnessing the manifestation of one of Marx’s fundamental planks as written in his book, The Communist Manifesto.
Read More: Education Freedom–the Civil Rights Issue of our Time
ACRU’s Allen West: Education Freedom–the Civil Rights Issue of our Time
Allen West
March 29, 2022
Perhaps you remember the song “Teach the Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. In the perspective of the progressive socialist left the word ‘teach’ is replaced with ‘indoctrinate’. I find it interesting that the first person to introduce the idea of state control of education was one Karl Marx. With the rise of power of the leftist teachers’ unions we are witnessing the manifestation of one of Marx’s fundamental planks as written in his book, The Communist Manifesto.
Read More: Education Freedom–the Civil Rights Issue of our Time
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